I am down to half a mg of Prednisolone daily, with hopes of being steroid free by the new year, but have been having shooting pains in fingers for the last couple if weeks. In the last few days has escalated to painful wrists and was hoping it was only arthritis! Started taking paracetamol, which helped my get to sleep, but little else. Last couple if days have taken regular full doses of Ibuprofen and felt a little better last night (possibly high on the drug?) Awoke in the night to pains in hands, wrists and now ankles!! Help! This sounds like a flare? What's the best advise please? Shall I go back to one daily, or more? It's taken over two years to get here! 😭
Down to half a mg of Prednisolone daily, but what... - PMRGCAuk
Down to half a mg of Prednisolone daily, but what is this?

Had it not been ankles as well, would have suggested carpel tunnel syndrome- very often associated with PMR, and there are quite a few on here who suffer from that. But with a quick look online have found there is also tarsal tunnel syndrome. So maybe that, and if ibuprofen helps both, you perhaps have your answer.
2 years may seem a long time to you, but not necessarily for PMR - so it could well be a flare.. do you have issues in hips, shoulders etc?
Normal advice is to add 5mg to current dose for around 7 days and then drop back down to just above the dose where the issue started. You could try that- you’ll soon know if it works. If it doesn’t you haven’t lost anything you can drop back down…and look for another cause. The problem with just creeping up 1mg or half a time…. if it is a flare it’s likely to take longer to get things back under control.
Try this, Carpal tunnel syndrome and see if it rings any bells for you.
I thought Carpel tunnel syndrome, then wondered about Peripheral Neuropathy. Rest and possibly physical therapy thereafter may help with this.Have you ever had X-Rays for osteoarthritis? I think a good doctor may be able to narrow this down. A bit of a blow at this stage.
You haven’t been sorting your cupboards or tidying your garden have you? We forget sometimes - the lack of resilience in our muscles.

Does sound very cupboard-ish ...
If it improves now the cupboards are done - all well and good. If it doesn't, I suspect you have to consider that 1/2mg isn't quite enough. To be down to 1mg after 2 years is pretty good.
Not sure about the ankles but your wrist pain sounds like classic carpal tunnel syndrome. I had it for years and had cortisone injections three times then eventually had the operation. Perhaps higher doses of prednisolone have hidden the symptoms until now. I’d recommend having the op sooner rather than put it off as I did as the surgeon explained the op just stops further muscle weakness in your wrist and base of thumb but doesn’t undo any damage already done. Good luck