I wondered if there is a suggestion on how long one should take Alendronic Acid. I started when i was about 64 ( I am now 79). I worked as a nurse in the interventional Radiology department and when the new dexa scan arrived all females working were able to have a scan to give a little more experience to the radiographers who had been trained in this work. I discoverd that I had osteopenia which went on to become osteoporosis . I carried on with the Alendronic acid when I first developed PMR . I was able to have another scan and it was no better. I have to admit that when Pmr 'disappeared' do did my taking of Alendronic acid.
PMRcame back during lockdown and I was started on pred again so I was a bit more diligent and then started again on Alendronic acid. As before I manage my PMR myself as my GP is not that interested ( I picked up all my advice and knowledge when helping with the admin at PMRGCA South West.)
I asked for a dexa scan to see what was 'going' on but was told no I was too old.( I was 78). So am I correct in thinking I can just go on taking it ad finitum. Many thanks for reading my ramblings.