Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with temporal artery ultrasounds? I finally saw a rheumatologist after being treated for PMR for a year by my internist. It turns out the rheumatologist is a GCA specialist. Because I had had a few fleeting stabbing headache pain episodes in July (maybe 4 or 5 in a row, each lasting a second or so and with only one or two episodes a day) the rheumatologist thought maybe I should have a temporal artery ultrasound just to be on the safe side.
There is a GCA rapid response clinic at the University of Washington here in Seattle and they have gotten pretty good at doing this kind of ultrasound. Since I haven’t had any headache symptoms since the end of July, it seems like it might be premature to have one of these ultrasound procedures now.
Does anyone have any experience with or thoughts about these procedures in the absence of on-going symptoms? I am at 5mg and plan to go down by a half an mg per Dorset Lady’s 5 week tapering method.