Towards the end of last year I was hospitalised for about a week with a dry cough/breathlessness that turned out to be Methotrexate-induced Interstitial Lung Disease (previous posts - cough cough cough). The MTX was stopped immediately but I was warned the damage may be permanent.
Good news: After 10 months, my last High Resolution CT Scan shows it has completely resolved! My lungs looked like lace in the first images but in the last one they’re completely clear and I have been discharged from the pulmonary consultant. I have just completed sixteen sessions of pulmonary rehabilitation at Harefield Hospital (specialists in respiratory medicine) and I am feeling so grateful to them. The staff there are wonderful and prescribed my physiotherapy on an individual basis, taking into consideration my PMR/GCA/LVV, and I am feeling the strongest I've felt in years. I've even started swimming lessons! God bless the NHS. When it works, it's marvellous.
Unfortunately, when it doesn't work... well that's another matter, but I won't go there just now.