I'm a GCA patient since AUG 2022, having started at 60 MG PRED and am currently down to 10 MG. We live in the mountains of Virginia and often have to deal with wildlife issues. Recently a raccoon has been invading our garden, wreaking havoc. Last night, I set a trap (a cage). I caught the little bugger and took him a few miles away and released him. But here's the thing:
During the night, I was aware that I was trying to catch the raccoon -- and so I was especially sensitive to night-time noises. About 2:30 in the morning I heard a loud BANG -- and immediately noticed AN ADRENALIN RUSH. I was instantly awake, and felt that familiar "fight or flight" feeling.
So here's the question: how can I have an adrenalin rush if my adrenal glands have been "shut down" since AUG 22 (due to the high doses of prednisone I have been taking)????