I have been recently diagnosed with PMR with pretty classic symptoms and good response to initial 15 mg a day of prednisone. After a month reduced to 12.5 which I will be on for a month then carry on with gradual reduction of dosage. I am completely pain free but have noticed I’m getting headaches , more like a feeling of pressure, which is something I have rarely had before. No other symptoms of GCA or anything . Are headaches common with Prednisone?
headaches??: I have been recently diagnosed with... - PMRGCAuk

I used to get headaches as withdrawal symptoms, usually at the start of a taper.

Hi and welcome,
Not that common, but some do get them sometimes.
Not sure where you live, but as you say prednisone rather than prednisolone guessing it’s not UK. Had it been, might have said it’s the weather, very humid and headachy here at the moment.
On that point, a bit more in your bio/profile would be good.
Did you ever have periods of head pain or migraine before?I had GCA but I did find I would get the migraines I already used to get ( which could be really confusing at first ) for a few days into each new reduction or in hot weather.
I would suggest you keep an eye on it. Try some paracetamol for the head pain and fresh air ( even if you just sit near an open window and do some deep breathing with your eyes closed) and try to keep things cool and see if that helps . Drinking the recommended amount of water each day , especially in this hot weather may also help, you could be a bit dehydrated even if you don't feel thirsty.
If nothing seems to help and the head pain continues , get severe or you notice any other GCA like symptoms do contact your GP to discuss it. It's better to be cautious.
Hi there,Just to say that although not necessarily a common symptom of withdrawal when tapering Prednisolone, I have always experienced head pain with each taper. It's lasted approx 2 to 3 wks and then gradually diminished.
Obviously, any persistent or troubling head pain should always be checked out by a medical professional to rule out GCA.
Check your electrolytes and hydration.
Are you getting enough sodium, potassium, magnesium and drinking enough water (2 liters daily)?
Sometimes headaches can be from not getting enough from all the above.
I get a feeling of headachy pressure too sometimes. Usually after I’ve just tapered. It doesn’t last for long. Just until I’ve adjusted to the new level. If I’ve tapered too low it doesn’t go away until I’ve gone back to my comfortable level of Prednisolone. For me it’s more of a stress or tension headache from not being comfortable
If your headaches respond to painkillers, then that is a good sign because have GCA headaches don't usually.