Hi everyone,
I have an appointment coming up with my Rheumatologist which I’ve been under for the last 3 1/2 years (I’m in the UK, we don’t get a choice in who we see).
It took him a couple of years to finally diagnose PMR. During that time I’d become almost housebound. He insisted I take the Prednisilone saying if I wanted to get better, I’d take it. The problem is, I can’t take it due to horrendous side effects. I asked if I could have steroid injections because I knew I tolerated them better. He almost laughed at me saying surely you get the same side effects? I said no I didn’t. Anyway, he also said I didn’t have PMR because I was too young - 52, my PMR started at 49. This went on for a year with inflammatory markers going up and up. Eventually he ordered a pet/Ct scan and of course, there it was, crystal clear. He then said I could have methotrexate as an injection. I thought, ugh. I took about three months of it and my inflammatory markers did come down but that could’ve been the steroid injections I suppose. Anyway, the side effects again were horrendous. I just can’t cope with it all. I’m a single patient to an 18 year old son who has severe ME and is Autistic. I need to be functioning as much as possible despite the PMR without spending every day with my head down the loo or unable to get out of bed with exhaustion.
I did get a second opinion. I saw my old Rheumy who I really liked privately. Now the plot then thickened. Despite PMR being seen clearly on the scan, he said he wouldn’t have diagnosed it because I’m too young. He said I it’s probably periferal Ankylosing Spondylitis. He diagnosed me with AS several years ago via MRI. The thing is the other rheumatologist said it wasn’t my AS.
I’m a very anxious person. I’m suffering with PTSD. I’m literally scared to go to this appointment. I’m scared He’s going to make me take something I don’t want to take. Yes, PMR is horrendous but honestly, the meds were just as bad for me. Not sure why I’m writing this, just getting it off my chest! Thanks for reading. X