Hi, I’m almost three years in with this awful disease (PMR) and still can’t figure it out. I began a Pred reduction from 9.5 to 9mg on 25 April using DL’s reduction plan. It was going well for a month then I had a few days of aching in my arms and shoulders. I was travelling back from a holiday at the time and put it down to that. Things improved when I got home so I continued on 9mg. For the past 10 days I’ve been having daily episodes of aching in my shoulders, neck and arms (bilateral). I’ll be fine one minute then suddenly I feel it coming on. Sometimes it goes off quickly within 10 minutes but other times it’s been lasting for over an hour and has reduced me to tears. Paracetamol doesn’t seem to help. The past 2 weeks have been very stressful for me (breast cancer scare - thankfully all ok after a mammogram) I’ve just got over a cold and I’ve been dealing with an infected cut on my lower leg.
My query is should I treat this as a flare and up my Pred by 5mg for a few days and then drop to 9.5 where I was comfortable? This does feel different to other flares I have experienced in that the pain comes and goes with no discernible pattern. Is this another symptom/pattern of PMR where the aching comes and goes? I’ve been waking around 5.00 am every morning for the past week feeling really rough (?IL-6).
I would appreciate your advice as to how to proceed with this, thankyou, Tiggy70.