Hi everyone, I think I know the answer to my own question but just need the affirmation of people whom I trust.
I started a Pred reduction just under a month ago on the 25 April from 9.5 mg to 9mg. My Rheumatologist insists that I reduce by .5mg each month although I’ve never managed it yet without issues. I was following the slow reduction (DL’s) plan for almost 3 weeks and everything was going fine. On week 4 we went on holiday to Egypt and because I was feeling so much better I foolishly decided to speed up the reduction and took 9 mg instead of some 9.5 mg. I returned from Egypt last night and for the past 3 days my PMR symptoms have returned (aching arms, shoulders, hips). I don’t think I’m having withdrawal symptoms as pain relief isn’t really helping that much.
Based on my past experiences of flares I’m thinking that I need to up my dose to 14 mg for about 5 days then drop back to 9.5mg and stay there for a while before attempting the reduction to 9 again. Does this sound like a good plan? Thank you🌸