I have recently managed to to taper off Prednisolone, after two years of attempting to stop. I am currently being treated with Methotrexate at 20mg/week, but have experienced some symptoms returning, significantly, headaches, painful muscle stiffness and general fatigue. My Rheumatologist suggested a combination of Methotrexate and Prednisolone, to compensate, but I’m hesitant as the Prednisolone is active in the effects on my type 2 diabetes. With the reduction of the corticosteroids, I have managed to reduce my insulin usage to just over half of the units used at the worst circumstance.
My question, or request, is for information or experience using the combination of treatments, on the effectiveness on easing PMRGCA, and / or the singular use of MTX as the way forward. My reading on the matter suggests a varied response across sufferers, but may come down to a personal conclusion.