A cautionary note to all Prednisolone users !
Last Christmas whilst away in the US I mixed up my doses of 5mg and 1 mg Pred. I’m currently on 8 prescription medications so I have weekly dosette boxes which I make up in advance to save time and avoid confusion - or so I thought! My Pred comes in blister packs of 1 mg and 5 mg. For the 5 mg I use a sharpie pen and write a 5 on each tablet in the pack then cut them up individually and put them in the dosette boxes.. The 1’s I take out of the blister pack and put them in the boxes uncovered. This has worked well for me for the past 2+ years until last Christmas. I’m not sure how it happened but I managed to mark up some of my 1mg tablets as 5’s. I didn’t notice as I had taken an extra weeks supply of everything in case of delays etc. To make matters worse I was dealing with a flare and should have been taking extra not less. My mistake meant that I was taking 2mg Pred instead of 10mg a reduction of 80%!
I was very unwell whilst away (no surprises there!) but put it down to the long journey, dealing with a flare and possibly picking up a virus en route. It spoilt my holiday with my grandchildren as I could hardly move out of the chair, had no appetite and a constant headache which I thought might be the start of GCA. I didn’t discover my mistake until last Friday so I’ve been under dosing for well over 2 weeks.
As I was very worried I’ve spoken to my gp and Rheumatology helpline both of whom say I shouldn’t have any long term problems. I’m extremely tired, have lost weight as I have a reduced appetite and my sleep pattern has gone haywire. In future I’m only preparing my other drugs in advance and keeping the Prednisolone in their boxes! 🌺🌺