At snail's pace the tests and investigations continue. My GP lives in cloud cuckoo land if he thinks the six months ago referral to a cardiologist should have borne fruit by now! I anticipate seeing someone before the end of the decade. However I did have a cardiac ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and it shows aortic valve regurgitation. Apparently not at serious level. So it hasn't all been hypochondria. I did hear it during the procedure but couldn't ask the tech about it (for some reason they don't like you chatting while they're listening to your chest). Sounded like a boot being lifted out of deep mud, a genuine squelch!
Heart update: At snail's pace the tests and... - PMRGCAuk
Heart update

Just watch them squelchy boots 🥾 🥾 😳…
sounds like good news!! terrible however that you must wait so long!!!!! love your description.
It seems to take Forever to get seen for anything - just enquired what a Neurologist's Fees are for our Son the waiting list is endless on the NHS - we’ve already paid for his MRI but the Orthopod’s say it’s not for them……..
Hope you get sorted soon 🙏🏼
We paid £250 to see neurologist about my husband's tremors which he just confirmed was not Parkinson's, didnt take blood pressure or really look at him!
You do expect to get a bit of ‘upgraded’ Service when you pay to be seen…….
I used to work at The Nuffield back in the day, we had Private Health Care & l knew all the Drs/Consultants so always got VIP Service - l’m finding it very tough these days!
Though my Rheumatologist is very good & l can ring if l need anything…..
I’m pleased your husband doesn’t have Parkinson’s 🙏🏼
indeed, GPs take their time… I have that too… was told not to worry. Keep as well as possible.
My GP has been on the ball. He asked for all the various procedures and the referral to a cardiologist the day I told him my symptoms. I had to book a chest x-ray myself and that was 3 weeks. This echocardiogram took 5 or 6 months, and no sign yet of the stress test or referral. GP asked for all these tests so they'd be done by the time I saw a cardiologist, to save time.

I hope that comment about chatting was tongue in cheek??? Even breathing alters heart sounds - so think was actually talking does!
Glad to hear it wasn't quite as serious as they thought. I had a phone consult with my Rheumie last week. It lasted less than 20 minutes (after 6 months) with none of my concerns addressed. Sore thighs and back of thighs, sore upper left arm, hips (right one giving out). "This could be from your flu" she said. I know I'm in a flare and upped the Pred to 14.5. She was not happy about that, but didn't scold me. Also I've been having many more oesophogeal spasms, particularly in the morning. Going to GP (Well Women's GP) this morning, to address that it could be angina. Perhaps she will actually take my BP (whereas her husband, my GP) has not - ever. Extremely painful and scary. You are not wrong when you say our medical "system" here in NS is dreadfully or "deadly" slow. By the time we're actually seen for one ailment, we have 2 or 3 more, if we actually survive the first one. 😜 Take care my friend. Hugs to you.
I was so spoiled. I had no idea how exceptional my former GP was until he retired and my next doctor was a young woman whom I'm certain just saw me as a hypochondriac old woman. At the time I was trying to get a diagnosis for my "pain all over". Not until she left and I wept my way into the care of another doctor who "wasn't taking new patients" did I get a diagnosis (PMR). The new doctor diagnosed me the moment she saw how I was walking, but did run tests again. After a few years she moved to a location somewhat inconvenient for us to get to, and she was able to put me in the care of a new immigrant doctor (from the UK) and he's been very good. I hope he can stand NS and stays!
I do have a new GP who does very little. Never even checked my BP. Today I saw his wife who does Well Women's Clinic. At least she took my BP, which is elevated. I'm mid-flare right now. Had to up the Pred to 14.5 but it seems to have brought the CRP back down to 3. It had gone back up to 24 a couple of weeks ago. Rheumatologist is completely useless. Had a 20 min phone call appt. with her on Thursday last. Blamed my upper thigh, hip and back of upper arm pain on the flu, which no doubt triggered the flare. Ugh! I'm not one who goes to the doctor, even once a year, nor one to take new meds. Also elevates my anxiety levels and this GP wants me to get off my anxiety meds (which I've been on for 20 years). I just shake my head. It's like being on a never ending roller coaster ride. Sorry for the vent, but just fed up with NS pharmacareless. He even send me for a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia, when he could simply have listened to my chest. No wonder our system is overloaded. Take care HeronNS.
Tbh I've only interacted, briefly, with a rheumatologist, at a hospital osteoporosis program. I was totally unimpressed as all she could talk about was "her" medication - alendronic acid - and didn't even have up to date info about Vitamin K2, or how to offer advice to me re Vitamin D (I have sarcoidosis and run hugh D levels if I take the recommended amount). Thankfully never had to deal with one for PMR. Both the doctors I've had are completely fine about my tapering pred (or not) at my own rate.
Thanks Pro...I'm aware. I will give it a shot. My bdx was ok though. I take lots of D3, K2, C and calcium. Rheumie doesn't listen at all. May as well not have one is my thought, but in this province, lucky to have one..period.
She said there is normal and mine is a little higher than that. Look I only got to speak with her for 20 mins. and had to ask about my BDX. I had that months ago. I put no weight to anything she says. So I'll try the AA on Sunday morning because you have to take it before ANYTHING is in the stomach and you have to sit up for 1/2 hr before you take it. Well I'm normally up at 5:15AM, and that is when I have my coffee. So that means I'll have to wake up at 4:45 and not lie down again and take the AA then. Ugh.
Not before you take it - AFTER you take it you must sit or stand upright. Some have a shower, do the ironing, read the forum ...
I'm trying to get this straight, only because it is very important you be taking bone medication only if you really need it, not a "just in case" as so many on pred find happens. I was recommended to take AA because of several risk factors, pred being one, but in the end I didn't need it and have actually improved my bone density without bone meds.