Has anyone had experience using LDN for their PMR?
Following my initial PMR diagnosis fall of 2021 I was put on 15mg of prednisone. I couldn't tolerate it, had serious 'rhoid rage' and quickly tapered off. My rheumatologist put me on monthly Actemra infusions. After five infusions it became evident that I was getting no appreciable benefit. Taking nothing for a few months my PMR symptoms (neck and shoulder pain) became so acute that we decided to give prednisone another try. 15mg prednisone was easier to take this time (probably because I had some idea of what to expect). After a month my symptoms were much reduced, although not gone. Tapered to 12.5mg but got pretty sick, extreme fatigue, malaise, depression. Back up to 14mg now for a couple of weeks. The tapering side effects are gone, but my neck and shoulder pain have returned along with prednisone induced insomnia. I'll be seeing my rheumatologist in a couple of weeks and would like to ask about LDN as I've seen a few mentions. Has anyone used LDN along with prednisone?