Morning all, not been around as much recently as otherwise "engaged". OH tested posive for Covid on the 22nd Oct and I tested positive on the 25th. OH hopes to get back to work on Monday. NHS got back to me quickly but I didn't qualify for anti-virals so went on to sick day rules, but only added 10mg in the morning and didn't do the extra 10mg in the evening, down to 10mg after three days and now been on previous/normal dose/taper 4.0mg/3.5mg for three days. In real terms doing OK although some extra tiredness and fatigue in afternoons. Given everything we hear about our doctors now though just wanted to add that I rang mine at 08:30 this morning, (was dozing at 08:00 when I should have rung!!!). At 08:34 I had an appointment booked in for this afternoon. Brilliant service!! Now time for a brew and doze.
Interesting Couple of Weeks.: Morning all, not been... - PMRGCAuk
Interesting Couple of Weeks.

I went to the surgery yesterday for my diabetic review and noticed there were more patients in the waiting room this time. I have never had a problem with getting an appointment when needed
No, I haven't either, guess we are couple of the lucky ones. Hope the review went well.
Brew's good, but just for a change we have a bright sunny morning, colder than last few days and threatening with frost tomorrow.🥶🥶
A brew and a doze on a wet, grey morning sounds just perfect. 😊

Good to hear about GP -and you’re improving -take care.
Weather bit iffy down here at moment- but on the up for later in the day apparently 😊

Hard luck - what did the dogs have to say about the changed routine? When my daughter had it she could barely get out of bed never mind go for a walk.
The s-word has been mentioned here for tomorrow - but only above 1500m, it'll be rain down here. Think that may be final nail in Golden October!
Well, there's a couple more strands to add to the tale, a) the problem I had with my right leg is now back with my left leg so I've been unable to walk them them other than a 50/100yd hobble very early morning and late evening for the last three/four weeks and b) Meg diagnosed with stage 4 Lymphoma and on high dose Pred to keep her comfortable. Been a pretty sh.. time all round. 😭😭
😢 -Sorry can’t help with Meg -but hope you can get leg sorted soon.
Had a long chat with the doc this morning and we've decided to leave things as they are for the moment and see if things change for the better or worse. I do have an appointment with an Orthopaedic Consultant in a couple of weeks but don't really think it's orthopaedic related. Other than pain my leg shows no symptoms, discolouration or bruising.
okay -ish! Let’s hope Ortho guy comes up with something…
Take care, and keep us updated please.
Good morning (I think) well, what an interesting few days, on Thursday I had a dental appointment - yes!! and actual appointment - the first one for two years. He had a good look and told me my teeth were excellent, well looked after and didn't want to see me for another twelve months. Icing on the cake, I went to pay and was told there is no charge as I was in credit from earlier???? wasn't going to argue.
Monday morning, I had an appointment with the Orthopaedic Consultant regarding my ongoing leg problem/s, which seem to have spread more into my feet rather than the calf. He is a lovely man and he listened and discussed all possibilities with me. He's not happy that we don't know what is going on so has written me up for a full MRI and then depending on the results/s will either take further steps himself or move me across to Neurology or Rheumy/Vasculitis Specialists. He is clued in about PMR and thought I did all the right things with Covid (as did my docs). I did have an Optician's appointment the same morning but have moved that to next Monday. Get a feeling that might be a costly visit!! Think I'm suffering from a touch of Long Covid, I get quite fatigued in the afternoon. Meg, not 100% but doing ok, she is still on 25mg of Pred for the next four weeks. Stay safe and well all.
wow on dental appointment-a winner on all counts. 😊
Orthopaedic Consultant sounds good (bit like my shoulder man) - hope you don’t have to wait too long for MRI.
Bit more TLC required for long covid perhaps - and good to hear Meg is doing okay.
Take care …
Quick update, had NHS letter yesterday I have my MRI scan on 20th December. Just to add to my "happiness" I now have very grumpy shoulder and neck pain, although I suspect that may be caused by sleeping downstairs as its easier and better for looking after Meg.
Good on MRI scan - but obviously no result until after festivities-but not a lot to be done about that….
Probably correct about grumpy shoulder & neck-but doesn’t help in the great scheme of things,
Does your sleeping downstairs mean that Meg is deteriorating -sorry if that’s the case. 🌸
It's difficult to tell, a combination of 25mg of Pred/day plus, I guess her condition means she needs to wee every couple of hours or less and it's far easier for me to enable that if I'm downstairs to let her out. She's had a spell of a very loose bowel movements for a couple of days which hasn't been good but she seems back to normal this morning. So, all in all, I think she's doing OK and not in any sort of obvious pain. We are back at the vets next Tuesday but I don't think we are in last stages yet. Shoulder is also improved thus morning which is a relief. I suppose there is a possibility that it is all tied up with my possible back/leg problem but we will wait and see. It's been very disruptive to our plans etc as we can't/aren't prepared to leave Meg on her own for anything other than a very short time, but she is part of the family and it is what it is for the time being.
In spite of all that's going on I had my MRI yesterday. First full one I've had, an "interesting" experience. Can totally understand why some would find them difficult.
How long is the post-Covid blah now?
My husband didn't go near a dentist for 13 years during our stint in Germany and for the first few years back in the UK until I forced him to see one to be on an NHS list just in case. Was sent away with "absolutely nothing to be done" - I have a suspicion seeing a dentist actually creates the need ...
That is an understatement - virtual hugs. For Meg too.
My little Whippet was diagnosed with Lymphoma at the age of4 1/2yrs, luckily I realised the lump was not normal so straight to the vet, diagnosis was confirmed. Two ops to remove tumour, endless biopsies and blood tests she is now 4 years in remission. My heart goes out to you, it literally broke us , so I understand what you are going through.x
An interesting/strange side effect of OH's and my Covid seems to be a total opposite. I now find that I feel cold and want/need the heating on more and OH is extremely warm (not high temperature, that's normal) and wandering around in a tee shirt complain about how hot it is. This is a complete reversal of where we used to be. Tiz a funny old world. 😕 Take care everyone.
The least you could have done was have the same effect!!!! Her version will save money this winter - yours won't ...
That is very true, sadly many things are out of my control!!
Just been to the GP for my flu jab - her practice is in a village that is just at 1000m. It was almost snowing - far more snow than slush/sleet. The positive is tha the flat feels very warm no I'm home Still no heating other than it switches on enough to take the cold off the bathroom floor!
Think you are a tad higher than us. Rochdale makes it to 450ft above sea level!!!!!! Frost all gone now and bright sunshine shining through the windows - very pleasant. Hope the Flu jab has no unwanted effects.
best of luck and speedy recovery to you both!! I tested positive on Oct 24th I had to stop methotrexate and just continued on my normal 30mg prednisone I was put on paxlovid I still got much sicker than I would have liked I typically run warm but Covid me needed a blanket, heating pads and the heat turned on ran my wife out of the house lol I learned that methotrexate is helping more than I suspected since I am paying the gip-per this week after being off of it for two weeks not quite pre diagnosis symptoms/pain levels but close enough unlike many my right leg swelled up 3 X normal size and I “walked” similar to your description of hobbling we had our first snow and talking below zero F ohhh I dread winters…. Take care of yourself greetings from across the pond
Greetings from the UK. I have relatives in California and Canada. Sorry to hear you are having such problems. My Covid seems to have pretty much run its course now, other than some tiredness/fatigue in the afternoons and back to my normal 3.5mg. Just need to get leg sorted which, other than pain shows no symptoms, discolouration or bruising. Take care and all the best.