Since being on prednisolone for one I have had a sort of tingling and mild numbness in the soles of my feet. It does not interfere with walking but wondered if this was a side effect of the drug or the condition
one and tingling in feet: Since being on... - PMRGCAuk
one and tingling in feet

I assume that should be PMR not one ... So easily done!
I had sore soles to my feet when I had PMR without pred - felt as if I had sandpapered them!
Thanks for your reply.
My feet are not exactly sore, and as I said it does not affect my walking. It is the feeling that full pins and needles is seconds away but never comes. A strange sensation. Is it the PMR or the steroids I wonder. When you look it up you seem to get references to neuropathy and diabetes! However my blood sugar is normal. Another bizarre PMR thing!
Pred can cause neuropathy too though I don't get the impression it is very common. I also felt as if I was walking on insoles of a mixture of pebbles, sharp gravel and broken glass and others have said something similar. Suppose they could all be similar strange effects of PMR!
Anyone can get neuropathy. You do not have to have diabetes nor be on prednisone to get it. The doctors usually prescribe gabapentin or Lyrica. The downside of these drugs are weight gain,blurred vision,and dizziness. Also, after taking it for awhile. It is difficult to get off. B
That's a bit sweeping - the first approach is to manage any underlying cause of the neuropathy. Lyrica is only one of a range of medications used.
i am the type of person that likes to make an informed decision. Yes a person should discuss the risk to benefit ratio with their medical professional. My doctors and pharmacist did not say anything. I had posted what my experience was. It is up to an individual to make their own decision
Hi , I have this condition, I have been to a Neurologist, mine is terrible pins needles and my feet feel boiling hot but when you touch them they are freezing cold. I've had all the tests done and it has been confirmed that I have peripheral neuropathy. The sooner you get it sorted the better, sadly I have nerve damage now, it's causing me lots of problems. Hope this helps .🌹
Recognise this! ever since PMR started nearly 2 years ago I have had the same problem intermittently. Problem is maybe too strong a word, but I am very aware of the plantar muscle/tendon running like a ribbon along the sole of my foot making its presence felt. Simple exercises as used for plantar fasciitis seem to help. I think it has been mentioned on this forum before but it's the kind of thing your GP has never heard of!
While I am sorry to hear of your condition I was surprised that you should think it was linked to Pred. I have just started to experience the same thing - especially first thing in the morning. Undersides of toes - particularly the joints - don't like being stood on. Then when I determinedly plant my whole foot there is a lot of complaining and it feels as though I am walking on stones (see PMRPro below). The whole of the toes and the bit where they join the foot is numb and tingly. I never thought to link it to Pred which I have now reduced to 3mg since starting at 20mg in summer 2020. I didn't like what it said when I looked it up either. 'A problem shared'...I suppose.
I have been on Prednisone for 10 months now for PMR. Started on 20mg and now down to 4mg with no flares. (Fingers crossed it doesn't happen.) However I developed peripheral neuropathy and in my feet and legs up to my knees. It causes me no problems and diabetes has been rules out. I'm now waiting on an appointment with a neurologist. I certainly hope it doesn't get any worse. My husband has developed it after 6 months of chemo for multiple myeloma. His got to the stage that he wanted his legs cut off to relieve the pain and he couldn't sleep .He's now been taken off one of his medications and it seems to be diminishing thankfully.
Sorry I wrote you a long reply but it seems to have got lost before I could send it. To cut a long story short several years before I had PMR I started getting the feeling as if my socks were scrunched up under the sole of my feet all the time.
I mentioned it to my gp when leaving the surgery one day and he called me back. Blood tests showed I had B12 deficiency. I have to have 12 weekly injections of b12 for life now. Sadly I did not mention this to my gp quicker as I am still stuck with these feelings in my feet. If you catch it early apparently they can totally dissappear again. But at least the injections stopped the neuropathy getting a lot worse.
Worth getting your gp to check this out if you have something similar.
I experience a mild tingly sensation in the feet. I find some help from wearing socks and using memory foam trainers . I am not sure why this
i have very mild tingling in my palms. Doesn't affect anything I do and I take vit B12. Had it for ages and it hasn't gotten anywirse worse. Sometimes it is hardly noticeable (like now).
I also have tingling under my toes and on the balls of my feet it coincided with my diagnosis of PMR 4 yrs ago and the commencement of Prednisone. It is not painful and doesn't interfere with walking. Have mentioned it to both GP and Rheumatologist they just say its some sort of mild peripheral neuropathy they will investigate more if the symptoms become more troublesome! I find the memory foam inserts in my shoes help. Hopefully if I ever get off pred it might also disappear.