Practical Travel Matters:  Has anyone any advice... - PMRGCAuk


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Nominem profile image
65 Replies

 Has anyone any advice about travel when taking prednisolone ? Is it sufficient just to take a prescription list in case it is needed for production at airports or is it better to have a GP'sletter?What quantity of supply should be take on taken on holiday to include enough to cover duration and in case of any flare up

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Nominem profile image
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65 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Meds in original boxes -and copy of prescription should be enough, in hand luggage. Enough to last for time away ,no reductions just before if whilst away) and few extra just in case required.

If long haul, you may need an extra dose or half dose depending on which way flying… and do think about time differences if applicable.

Might be useful if you told us where you are going…

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to DorsetLady

Switzerland for about 9 days .Thank you for a very helpful reply

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Nominem

Shouldn’t be an issue then with timings etc -I flew to NZ whilst on 7mg and stopped off at Singapore on way out so did a bit of juggling—all fine.


Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you . I am on 8mg at present and will not reduce until after return

Suffererc profile image
Suffererc in reply to Nominem

I fly to Switzerland regularly. Medicine never been a problem. Always take in boxes and extra box just in case. Have repeat prescription on phone. Have a good trip. Whereabouts you going. We go to Zurich 😊

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Suffererc

Thank you .We are going to Wengen

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Nominem

Not my Wengen though - I have a Wengen just up the road ;)

Doraflora profile image
Doraflora in reply to Nominem

I took enough to last me for the duration of my holiday, plus a few more, in original boxes. I always have my prescription list in my purse anyway.

However: I did panic the first day of holiday when I realised I’d mistakenly picked up the 1mg box instead of 5!😲. I did get in a flap, but luckily was directed to a local pharmacy where I was actually able to “buy” some Pred over the counter. Just over 5€ for 100 tablets!!

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Doraflora

Thank you for your help

Knip profile image
Knip in reply to Doraflora

Did you have to show your repeat prescription to buy the Pred? Bit dangerous if not. I don't mean for you but for anyone who thinks they'd like to try it as 'cure all'! Glad you got it sorted so easily.

Doraflora profile image
Doraflora in reply to Knip

I always carry my prescription around with me, Knip, which the pharmacist briefly looked at. I was absolutely amazed I could get them over the counter, but obviously different countries have different policies. I was just only too relieved to get them.

Koalajane profile image

We flew to Australia and on the entry form it asked about steroids. So I put down I was on prednisolone. At Sydney I tried to show them my meds but they really weren’t interested as it was medication and not the other type!

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Koalajane

Thank you very much for this information. It concerned me a bit that prednisone is a steroid so I was rather concerned about travel with it. It is also medication very widely in use so I hope the necessity to unravel with it would unit cause problems

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Nominem

Travel with it would not correction to above

Doraflora profile image
Doraflora in reply to Nominem

No-one has ever been bothered about me being on steroids when travelling abroad. In fact the holiday insurers weren’t even bothered.

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Koalajane

I had the same response in Sydney - he said it’s not your kind of Steroids we’re interested in 😉

Groovykindoflove1992 profile image
Groovykindoflove1992 in reply to Koalajane

I think we could all do with a bit of the other type, really 😆

PMRpro profile image

No-one - not even the Australians = has ever asked for any evidence. These are corticosteroids - not anabolic ones. I do carry my medications in their original packaging in 1 litre ziplock bags (like liquids bags) and remove them from my hand luggage onto a tray at security. Up to them to look if they want to. They never have. I take all I will need in my hand luggage, plus duplicates in hold luggage. And in the past some spares in OH's luggage! I've been separated from my luggage for 3 days, I don't trust ANYONE! I won't even let Ryanair take my hand luggage as I board because they are running out of room! But they are fine when you explain it has medication in it.

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to PMRpro

Thank you very much for some very helpful advice

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Nominem

Are you flying? Have you requested airport assistance? Particularly useful now the UK is out of the EU and the queues for immigration can be long and mean a lot of standing. Even if you haven't when booking, you can ask at check-in for the destination airport.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

Saw the other day how some airports are struggling because travellers have worked out you get through quicker with airport assistance! selfish is that!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Longtimer

It was bound to happen. I shall arrive with my crutches ...

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to PMRpro

Good luck wherever you are travelling to...👍

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Longtimer

Nowhere yet!!!

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to PMRpro

Sorry for delayed reply yes I am flying but it's only just over an hour and a half and then onwards by train . Thank you for the very useful advice. I probably don't need special assistance as I can walk normal distances. I have not been to an airport since 2019 a nd so much has changed since then

diana1998 profile image
diana1998 in reply to Nominem

It's useful if you can't stand in long queues though.

Pawscat11 profile image
Pawscat11 in reply to diana1998

I had assistance this year and felt a fraud booking it as I also can walk distances but I can not stand for more than 6 or 7 minutes. I was so glad I had the assistance as the queues were minimum 40minutes when normally I end up sat on dirty floors not able to get up again easily. It really was worth it.

squashie profile image

I've just flown from Australia to Poland with meds (in hand luggage of course) including prednisolone with not the slightest problem, stopping at Singapore and Frankfurt. For space and weight reasons I don't carry the original packaging, but I do have a list with me.

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to squashie

Thank you very much for your very helpful.advice

MrsNails profile image

I always travel with my Meds in a Lock n Lock (Tupperware) type box with my Copy Prescription & when l went to Australia & New Zealand l did have a letter from my Consultant but it was more about how he wanted me treated in case of GCA as l was a New Patient. In all the times l’ve been travelling carrying Meds the first time l was questioned was in June re my spray for Angina - l hadn’t pulled it out as a liquid from my hand luggage - basically l forgot about it! But they were fine about it…..

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to MrsNails

Thank you very much for your help. I keep the meds in a similar type of box at home so will take it on any travels. I n the home setting it is useful when other members of the family have their own prescription meds and avoids the risk of things getting mixed up

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Nominem

Do you have one of the Emergency Red Steroid Cards? I can send you a link to print your own or you can ask in the Pharmacy or Doctors Surgery but don’t be surprised if you get blank looks!

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to MrsNails

Yes thank you I have a card. Thank you very much for offering to send me the link

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Nominem

Just keep a copy with your Meds makes it look ‘more official’ 😉

diana1998 profile image

Suggest you take your meds in your handbag and extra in your hand luggage. My friend's hand luggage was put in the hold and got lost never to be seen again. I keep double of everything close to me when going away.

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to diana1998

Thank you good point

Pixix profile image

Used to travel to Switzerland every summer for about 20 years, & never had trouble with tablets, enjoy your holiday!

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Pixix

Thank you

Ozziedays profile image

I got caught recently when I tested positive the day before I was due to fly home from Adelaide to Brisbane. Result, immediate 7 days hotel quarantine. I’d taken a few more tablets (on 2mg a day) but not enough for an extra 7 days. Australian GP faxed my script to pharmacy near hotel and they delivered it (plus a couple of other things we needed but without them would have survived). For my current interstate trip I’ve brought enough for an extra 8 days! Just a thought if you’re travelling to countries that still have isolation requirements on a positive test.

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Ozziedays

Thank you a very important point about what happens in the case of delay move. Vivid rules can change quite quickly.

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Ozziedays

Correction covid rules

Jigsawlass profile image

I took all my meds in boxes in hand luggage to Italy. I have been extra cautious and taken enough if I ended up poorly having to follow sick day rules so I have loads here !

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Jigsawlass

Thank you for this point

Blearyeyed profile image

Not sure if you are travelling with easyJet from the UK which seems to be the company causing the most problems at the moment as they want all medications in hand luggage and documents to validate them even if you have hold baggage.

I double checked the info for someone else recently.

According to the BMA , you do not need a GP letter , a print out of your prescriptions list from your Doctors surgery is enough legally and is free.

Supplements should be ok without a letter, as long as they aren't injected.

Keep all medications in their original packaging and take your pill box with you to fill when you get to your destination.

In reality , a list of your medications and a print off of the summary page of your medical conditions ( including allergies ) should be an essential to pack for any journey both at Home and Abroad when you have a chronic medical condition.

They are very useful for you if you have a medical emergency or need assistance at a pharmacy .

It allows you or your travelling companion to give a Doctor or Emergency Room your information even if you are confused or unconscious and prevents mistakes caused by any language barrier.

This then makes it easier for the local medics to check up the conditions you have and prevents the possibility of them giving you medications that you might be intolerant to or effect your medications , or care that can cause you more harm than good.

Always let your travel companion or tour assistant know that you keep this information in your bag in case of emergency.

Bonne Voyage , Bee

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blearyeyed

You mean judging by Michael Gove's adventures! How are the mighty fallen back on EJ!

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Blearyeyed

Thank you for this very useful information

I take dosette boxes wrapped in clingfilm and taped so they don't fall out. I take them with me in a separate bag and with another set of boxes in a suitcase.

All just in case. I take the prescription copies along with steroid card and my blue badge card even though I don't drive.

I've never had earache from anyone doing this.

I did get a flare in Cyprus once and ended up in hospital for the evening. I should have just taken an extra 5mg pred tab each day.

I think it's the sun

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to

Thank you

AshPen9 profile image

We flew with Easyjet last week, no questions asked about meds. However I had them all in my hand baggage, which was rejected by the scanner amidst the chaos that is Manchester Airport security. I had to wait 30 mins for it to be brought forward for checking and was really stressed about it because I tried to keep my eye on where the tray with my bag in was, but a lady rearranged them all, moved mine away,and I couldn't see it any more. Apart from all meds it had passports, credit cards, all paperwork etc. I think in future I would be inclined to put meds through on their own so easily visible and not liable to be rejected. Guess why my bag was rejected? Two Mars bars! No, I don't understand either, but the man apologised.

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to AshPen9

Thank you . Easyjet are the airline I am going with so will bear all.yo day in mind

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to AshPen9

Probably registered as a liquid/gel on the scanner - the toffee bit ...

I put medications and liquids bags together in one tray - I have no compunction about using more than my share - slows them down too so I can catch up!!!

AshPen9 profile image
AshPen9 in reply to PMRpro

Maybe CDM for me next time!

singingloud profile image

This is all good advice. We will be traveling from Michigan to Amsterdam for hopefully a seven day cruise down the Rhine, if there is a River that is.I’m planning to only take my prescriptions and not all my vitamins. I should be fine without them for seven days.

Yesterday I believe I ruptured my tendon to my bicep so hopefully I will be better and not need a pain pill stronger then Tylenol for the trip.

Have a great trip.

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to singingloud

Thank you Enjoy trip trip.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to singingloud

Not a lot of Rhine available at present!!!!! Which chunk of Rhine were you aiming for?

singingloud profile image
singingloud in reply to PMRpro

Amsterdam to Basel. Said they move you by bus to the next boat to get around the low spots.I hope that doesn’t happen much.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to singingloud

Oooh - ALL the way! It is around Koblenz that is particularly bad and for heavily laden barges in particular.

Maybe the bus transfers are part of the trips - but you still have to pack I suppose. What a bore ...

singingloud profile image
singingloud in reply to PMRpro

I know. I hate to think we have to repack our bags. I pack light when we travel but my husband has been having knee issues these days so the least amount of work would be nice.I will be calling Viking soon to make sure it’s not been canceled.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to singingloud

That's the bit I hate about "normal" holiday travel. The campervan didn't need much effort to pack - no folding, just transfer the hangers!

Tiggy70 profile image

A tip to cut down on bulk in your hand luggage if you are on a lot of medication (I’m on 8 prescription meds.) is to remove the pills from the boxes flatten them and put an elastic band around them. They will take up much less space. Flattening is obviously not an option if your pills are dispensed in bottles🤣

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Tiggy70

Thank you

Chris0808 profile image

I live in the US and this past year have traveled to several Countries including Switzerland. I had my Prednisone with me in the bottle given by the pharmacist. I was never questioned anywhere about it. I would definitely have some extra with you I did find that traveling in general takes a lot out of you and you are out of your regular regime which can have a take a toll on your PMR. You will love Switzerland it is a beautiful Country with lovely people!!Enjoy!

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Chris0808

Thank you

Fireleigh profile image

Take far more than you need. I was caught short in June during a holiday in Scotland. We were on the intercity sleeper when the strike hit . One train a day! We had to stay an extra two days, three really as the trains are in the evening. By that time I had a bad flare. Also note Scottish nhs has different arrangements for obtaining emergency prescriptions.

Nominem profile image
Nominem in reply to Fireleigh

Thank you very good suggestion

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