Did you all think I had deserted you?: So much has... - PMRGCAuk


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Did you all think I had deserted you?

merril profile image
32 Replies

So much has happened not least because I have lost my sight and some REmber I had AMD for many years without too much trouble. Now i struggle to type and apologise for any mistakes. I have tapered to 3.5 mgs of pred and will stay there while i recover from a recent ablation on my back problem and also MORTONS NEUROM i HAD A SEIZURE TWO WEEKSA GO. sTILL UN DIAGNOSED. tOO TIRED TO GO ON NOW BUT STILL FIGHTING.

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merril profile image
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32 Replies
Koalajane profile image

Keep fighting and hope you are okay

Whippetygirl profile image

I have read your profile and post and realise what a dreadful time you are going through, and yet there is a hint of a tough cookie in there that is peeping through. I hope you have family and friends around you to help you through this difficult stage . They say god only gives us what he thinks we can handle but I think he is being a bit naughty. Please stay strong and look after yourself. Thinking of you.

HeronNS profile image

You have been having a tough time. Thank you for checking in here. I think you;ve done really well with that pred taper. Take care - get your rest while you recover from latest difficulties. ❤️

Kendrew profile image

What a challenging time you're having. I hope you can find some respite from the difficulties and I send you much love. Xxxxxx

Constance13 profile image






LemonZest11 profile image

Good for you Merril, never give up 💪, you sound so positive in the midst of all of this. Sending love xx

PMRpro profile image

Sorry to hear that - what can WE do to help with posts?

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to PMRpro

Can get programs to help with poor sight, and iPad/iPhone have dictation facility etc built in....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to DorsetLady

I know - but there are factors for us to consider too aren't there?

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to PMRpro

Yes I'm sure there are....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to DorsetLady

I remember someone asking for people to type in capitals - not sure if that really helps. After all, the recipient can increase thesize of type in their view by zooming. I know the colours make a big difference - the NE charity went to RNIB to get advice. But Patient and HU just seem to choose what they think looks nice (which is a personal opinion anyway).

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to PMRpro

Personally I find capitals don't really help..as I've said many times in my situation it’s the colour combinations that help the definition I lack...every time!

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to PMRpro

Yes, the RNIB were brilliant and the person who was doing the website followed them to the letter. He later told us that he had changed his approach to website design.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Hi merril,

sure you are aware, but there are programmes to assist you and your low vision - these are just examples -

Text to Speech Software

When you get tired of trying to read your computer screen and find that even with more magnification your eyes are strained, switch to a text to speech software. This type of software can read to you the weather, your e-mails, the news, or documents. Many computers now have an accessibility setting that provides a text to speech feature for free. You may want to try it first to see how it works for you, however the speech quality is not as good as purchased software. There are several software programs to choose from – they include JAWS, Super Nova, and Dragon Naturally.

Speech to Text Software

Perhaps your low vision is making it difficult to type and to navigate the computer. With a speech to text software you can “write” emails or papers by talking or give the computer voice commands to search the web. Whether you want to look for a new recipe, get the latest news, or research a topic, speech to text software such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking can do it for you.

Large Number Keyboards

Did you know that there are special keyboards for those with low vision? These keyboards use larger letters/numbers with better contrast for better visibility. The color combinations available include white letters on black keys, black letters on white keys, or yellow characters on black.

Grammy80 has recently purchased a larger screen so perhaps she'll be along with further advice

This is a UK website which might be useful - and I'm sure you've contacted RNIB


SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to DorsetLady

This would be a good one to draw to the attention of the poster who wanted to discuss speaking technology for her father the other day. Maybe an addition to FAQs, given that visual impairment is the big fear in GCA?

whitefishbay profile image

Thinking of you Merril. Hang in there. xx

Jackoh profile image

A difficult time for you Merril. Think your approach to these problems is amazing. Keep in touch and let us know how you’re getting on! Xx💐

Orpheus82 profile image

I’m so sorry that you have lost more of your sight. Is this from the AMD or from GCA? They are very different in terms of the impact on your vision. As you will probably know, AMD, will rob you of your central sight but leave your peripheral vision in tact. GCA on the other hand will severely reduce sight of both central and peripheral vision. I sincerely hope you have been referred to your local Low Vision Clinic and Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO). These are good sources of information and assistance. Life sound very tough for you at the moment and it’s not surprising that you’re feeling tired. Take care x

Grammy80 profile image

Dear dear merril, first I'd like to give you a hug~!! It seems we are walking in eachother's shadow. I had an ablation for stenosis on May 6 and see a great improvement. Now I can stand for longer periods and today I took a walk outside with my rollater..need my buddy, and that is OK!

In 2019 I lost the sight in my left eye and now have blind spots in my right. Right now you have so much to deal with...get rested, things are easier to sort out then. My ophthalmologist sent me to a neuro-ophthalmologist who has really helped my vision. I had lost some peripheral vision, right eye...got it back.

As DL mentioned....recently I got a LARGE monitor and oh! that has helped me keep in touch.

I have the option of speech to text...but I make it plenty large enough to see.

Merril, I have epilepsy and haven't had a seizure now for over 40 years....I'm sorry that a seizure was thrown in on top of everything else. It doesn't mean it will happen again or that medicine (I KNOW, meds!) won't control it.

I'm not a doctor, for sure, but that doesn't sound like much prednisone that you are taking. There may be a reason I'm not aware of but I wouldn't keep tapering. That is just me.

Don't stop fighting and I don't believe you will. It is only my spirit and hope that keeps me going and smiling, even though I feel like garbage sometimes. You sound like one spunky...American for tough and spirited....lady! You'll handle this...let all of us help!💕💕

I'm 'across the pond'....or I'd have been here sooner...love to you💕

merril profile image
merril in reply to Grammy80

Grammy have lost all i had typed!!!


Grammy80 profile image
Grammy80 in reply to merril

Oh!!! I know that feeling....I finally figured out what button I was bumping but still manage to hit it occasionally! One thing at a time...😵‍💫😵‍💫💕

merril profile image
merril in reply to Grammy80

Grammy i can identify with that shadow but dont think i have epilepsy will see in time. have a pacemaker implanted for a tachy/brady syndrome I am still grieving after the death of my childrens father who died of Covid two months ago and I have agreed to talk to someone from a listening service. Tired now so off to bed. Bless you Grammy

Grammy80 profile image
Grammy80 in reply to merril

I pray that talking with someone really helps, you made a wise decision. My heart goes out to you~!💕Rest....

merril profile image
merril in reply to Grammy80

Grammy, thank you for all your helpful and comforting words and now the good news. managed to turn off the in built mouse that I brushed when using the space bar,my typing is better I think. The not so good news is that the ablation has not made any difference to back pain but my neuroma is healing, so my foot is easier for walking. i had my visit to second hospital today and now have several aids, eg special optics for watching TV, and a mag glass for round my neck leaving both hands free to crochet.next visit to hosp end of June and horrors they will be looking for GCA. Much too late DL might agree! me too! so tired now but will keep in touch. My thanks to all who replied to me before. DL, I increased my pred a little to give me some respite

Grammy80 profile image
Grammy80 in reply to merril

So glad to hear from you and so glad to hear all that fight and determination. I'm sorry to hear the ablation did not give you much help even though your foot is healing. When did you have the ablation?

It took about three weeks for my back to be fairly comfortable but I still have to watch how long I stand, but before it was 3-4 minutes and I was rushing to sit to stop the pain. Is it any better.

Be ever so good to yourself, rest, crochet (brilliant) and watch TV...do you get Judge Judy over there? She'll keep your BP up or maybe you shouldn't watch her if you could!!!

I hope things are getting better around the house for you...you've so much to deal with in such a short span of time. I'm thrilled to hear from you💕💕

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Grammy80

"do you get Judge Judy over there" - oh yes! My daughter had her on non-stop when we visited". She's a hoot - the "clients" not so much ...

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to merril

It can help to write replies in Word (or whatever you use) and copy and paste it. HU has some very annoying habits - one is losing all you wrote if you accidently leave the page.

merril profile image
merril in reply to PMRpro

Thanks for that info. Going to cut out commas, capitals and be as succint as poss

Nextoneplease profile image
Nextoneplease in reply to merril

Well done merril 💐 You sound like one determined lady. Hope you are able to use some of the tips offered here.

Do let us know how you’re getting on.

We’re all here for you. Hugs to you xx

merril profile image
merril in reply to PMRpro

I think I know why i kept losing. pages not HU but inbuilt curser on new pc when i used space bar and brushed against it ......Hope so . ☹️

SheffieldJane profile image


merril profile image
merril in reply to SheffieldJane

thanks SJ 👍

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