Hello all! I have a GCA for 20 months now and I’m now down to 5 mg prednisone. I just got my blood work back yesterday and I see that my creatinine level indicates that I have chronic kidney disease stage three. I had a UTI several weeks back and now I have to pee all the time. I did a little research and I realize that prednisone can be the cause of kidney disease. I would love to hear about any of you who have to deal with this in your own bodies. Thank you very much
Kidney disease: Hello all! I have a GCA for 2... - PMRGCAuk
Kidney disease

I have CKD Stage 3 too. I only discovered about it when I was able to go on-line and saw it on my notes. It had been updated a year previously, no one had mentioned it to me.
Me too same story but I dont know if we have to take action!

It’s quite common, age related as well, mine was noted a couple of times when on high doses of Pred….but so long as it’s monitored and doesn’t progress to Stage 4 no one seems particularly bothered.Never had any UTI issues.
See pdf attached- kidneycareuk.org/documents/...

Aging is also a cause of the creatine clearance (GFR) and depending on your age, a CKD3 may be barely out of normal range for you. I've been on pred for nearly 13 years and my creatinine and (I assume) eGFR are fine - so like everything else, it might be due to pred, but then again, it might not be. Is it the creatinine level that is high or the eGFR that is low?
A study was done to look at the utility of using routine blood tests to monitor for renal disease without a specific screening programme. The eGFR is calculated using the creatinine level and a set of assumptions. Unfortunately, to the disgust of the renal specialists whose idea it was and who understood the results, it was decided to report this figure to the primary care HCPs - who don't necessarily. And it also meant patients would see results that were out of context. If the computer print-out says chronic kidney disease, they are likely to worry about it even though it may be skewed since a lot of things can make the creatine level high and the eGFR lower. A high protein meal the night before and not having drunk much before the blood sample is taken in the morning so you are a bit dehydrated is plenty to make it look bad! Or strenuous exercise - or other factors.
It is only of concern if it is the same 3 times consecutively unless there are other signs or symptoms such as protein in the urine. DDL has provided the other info.
I too have it. Only diagnosed about 4 years ago through a routine blood test. Doctors never seem too concerned and I don't have to take anything.
I too have CKD stage 3. I wasn’t aware of it until I asked for a printout of my medical records for another reason. My doctors don’t seem unduly concerned and my creatinine levels are monitored regularly at the same time as the CRP and ESR tests. The creatinine result is always borderline, no further action.