Lansoprazole and Entric coated Prednisalone - PMRGCAuk


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Lansoprazole and Entric coated Prednisalone

SheffieldJane profile image
63 Replies

I confidently stated to my GP that I couldn’t take Lansoprazole because I was taking Entric coated Prednisalone. She disputed this and was quite cross, clearly blaming my lower abdominal pain and IBS symptoms on this omission. I cannot find any evidence to support my claim. I must have learnt it on here, along with everything else. Can anyone help me with a link?

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SheffieldJane profile image
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63 Replies
MrsNails profile image

Jane l don’t think it’s that you can’t take the two together rather than it’s probably not necessary to take a PPI if you are in Coated Pred

Seacat30 profile image
Seacat30 in reply to MrsNails

That is what I understood too.

Suffolklady profile image
Suffolklady in reply to MrsNails

Bearing in mind it protects the stomach of any other medication you might have unless prednisolone is the only one you take?

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Suffolklady

Hello stranger!

Suffolklady profile image
Suffolklady in reply to SheffieldJane

Hi SheffieldJane, I’m still breathing lol.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Suffolklady

I am still complaining as you can see. I hope you are doing well.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Suffolklady

It can cause the very symptoms you are trying to guard against, plus muddy the waters with joint pain and lead to osteoporosis. GPs love it , free tablets with every prescription and no discussion on side effects permitted. Do you take them successfully?

Suffolklady profile image
Suffolklady in reply to SheffieldJane

I have my good days and my bad days. My problem now is getting off of the predisolone and trying to get my adrenal gland functioning again at the moment it is not doing much just lazing around in my body resting. I do not take lansoprazole I am on esomeprazole and have been on them for as many years as I can remember. Initially I took it for reflux (was on Zantac for many years for the same reason) I tried the lansoprazole and pantoprazole but eventually settled on esomeprazole it’s the only one that works. Then things took a different course with different ailments I am now taking a lot more meds so it protect my stomach a long with the reflux. I don’t know the side-effects I don’t think I have problems should I? Is it that bad a drug? X

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Suffolklady

It’s an individual thing. If they work for you - great!

SnazzyD profile image

Hello, you can take the two together but it is usually refused on the grounds of cost and not being necessary. It’s more that you shouldn’t need it of you are taking enteric coated Pred, but something simpler like Gaviscon should be fine if you need it.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to SnazzyD

She kind of overstated it as in well the thinking now is……etc Thank you. I have horrible burning in the lower abdomen to a greater or lesser degree permanently now, for several weeks. I get a face to face appointment with a GP tomorrow and a test kit for a bacterial infection. Fingers crossed.

Greynomad profile image
Greynomad in reply to SheffieldJane

Hi, my husband gets burning , his is diverticulitis

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Greynomad

I have seriously considered this. The point of sharp pain is coin sized on my right side just above the groin - this spreads throughout the day, after food I think.

Songbird69 profile image

Hi SJ,I begrudgingly took both enteric Prednisolone and a PPI for years until I got to the lower doses. I had to as my stomach couldn’t cope. Even now, I have to have a short course now and again. This was affecting my upper GI tract though and never with lower abdominal pain.

You could try taking it for a month, to see if it resolves anything. If not you can confidently tell your GP that this is not the answer. (Although PPIs can cause abdominal issues as a side effect!)

I am surprised they haven’t done more investigations after all this time.



SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Songbird69

It was more blame after the event than a solution for now that she was getting at. Thanks!

PMRpro profile image

In theory, taking a PPI will change the pH of the stomach - as it prevents the production of gastric acid. Enteric coated pred is designed to break down in the more alkaline milieu of the duodenum, after the stomach, but is likely to start to breakdown in the stomach if the pH there is more alkaline and so exposing the stomach to the pred. Several Trusts give instructions are that they should not be prescribed together - though they don't give the reason why.

I don't see why a PPI would prevent lower GI tract problems - they often cause them!

SheffieldJane profile image

My symptoms are at the very base of the abdomen. Thank you for this. PPI’s are another GP wonder drug, but they do have significant downsides.

HeronNS profile image

I attended part of a Zoom presentation on osteoporosis a couple of days ago. one of the main secondary causes of osteoporosis is taking a PPI. It was right up there with steroids and hyperparathyroidism and a handful of other possible causes.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to HeronNS

But they tell us about the pred - and not the PPI. So when you are on both ...

Songbird69 profile image
Songbird69 in reply to PMRpro

Marvellous ‘ain’t it.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Songbird69

It is ...

bonio profile image
bonio in reply to PMRpro

very interesting all this and thank you Jane for raising it. I was just thinking to talk to my GP about stopping my Omaprezole not that it causes me any probs but because there are side effects, bone thining is one. I am taking gastro coated tabs now, wasnt when I started so really no need to take 10mg of omaprazole every day. Do hope things resolve for you Jane sounds like a face to face with the GP is the best idea. Thanks for all this info.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to bonio

If you do, be sure to taper, you can get the awful effects of suppressed stomach acid returning. I think it is useful to do our own research, get guidance from here and question everything. Especially now when our doctors are so overwhelmed and feeling unappreciated.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to HeronNS

This is partly why I have avoided them plus Omeprazole making me feel ill in the beginning. Always took Pred with thick yoghurt then I went on to Entric coated Pred. There is lower abdominal pain as a side effect of Doxozosin and stomach tears as a side effect of Ro-Actemra - why does she say, “I don’t think it’s that”. On what basis?

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to SheffieldJane

Do you still take your pred with yoghurt anyway?

Are you taking Doxozosin? I'd never heard of it so looked it up and it's advised against in older adults because it's not as safe as other drugs to lower blood pressure. Have bought a home blood pressure monitor but only used it one morning so far. First reading was high but I sat there reading the paper and took it two more times and each time it was lower. I don't know if this is accurate or if the machine just got bored. :D

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to HeronNS

Very often happens - first reading is higher - which is why advice is to take it again after a few minutes - even 3 times in total. Then record lowest reading.

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to HeronNS

Both hospital and my GP say best of three, important to relax then use the lowest reading. My first reading is always sky high.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to HeronNS

I said to my young GP that my blood pressure was always raised ( case against Doxozosin). She took it and it was 131 over 80 the lowest reading ever for me ( the cuff wasn’t v tight, mine at home is too tight. I just sheepishly said you must have a calming influence.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to SheffieldJane

Isn't that always the way! Like the car that refuses to rattle, squeak, whine or stall at the garage.

The more reading I've done about this the more it appears that a single reading in a doctor's office is more than likely inaccurate. My doctor did take mine again a few minutes later but I don't know if it had come down perceptibly. Of course by then I was freaking out about the first reading! He's not great at supplying numbers to me, I have to remember to ask all the time. I wish all this stuff was available to me on line. So far we can't get our test results on line, although I know there was a trial with some doctors a few years ago. No doubt pandemic has stalled that, although it has actually speeded up some things, like greater access to telephone consultations, which basically we didn't have at all until first lockdown.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to HeronNS

My rare face to face appointment today had unexpectedly nice aspect. The place was full of lockdown babies, none of whom were wearing masks I might add. 😃

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to SheffieldJane


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to HeronNS

Far and away the best option is your own BP cuff - you become far more blasee about it being taken!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to PMRpro

They still say white coat syndrome even when you couldn’t be bothered less. My cuff is tight to the point of pain - this must send the readings up and now my poor husband is on meds because of his readings.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

Excessive pain with a BP cuff is typical in PMR - have heard that a lot.

Jayveedee profile image

Hi Jane, I suffered the most horrendous diarrhoea for nearly two months, had a colonoscopy which showed nothing was wrong, and then through a link here I found an article about Lansoprazole causing diarrhoea. I stopped taking it and two days later my bowels were back to normal and I’ve had no problems since. I can post a screen shot of the article if you would like to see it.

Billiebobdog profile image
Billiebobdog in reply to Jayveedee

Yes please, not for me but I have a friend who has been on longterm steroids and Omeprazole and is currently suffering from horrendous diahorrea but doesn’t believe that is could be the PPI causing her the problem

Jayveedee profile image
Jayveedee in reply to Billiebobdog

What I found interesting was the length of time it took for the side effects to put in an appearance. I had been taking it since last September!

Lansoprazole article
Billiebobdog profile image
Billiebobdog in reply to Jayveedee

Thank you

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to Billiebobdog

Side effects - most of them are on the paper which nobody ever reads.

Perhaps show your friend. They both can and do cause 'joint pain' which PMR sufferers already have.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Jayveedee

Thanks Jayveedee!

SheffieldJane profile image

Off for a rare face to face with probably a medical student doing her GP year. I really have no faith these days. They seem more interested in batting off patients than finding solutions sigh!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

Once they are doing the GP rotation they are qualified you know!!!!

Sophiestree profile image
Sophiestree in reply to SheffieldJane

They are the best in my opinion. My surgery is a GP training centre. Get a trainee and they offer everything!! It was a trainee that sent me of to Ambulatory Care when I was ill..... so many of my symptoms I had mentioned to Gps before that were brushed off..

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Sophiestree

I am just a grumpy old woman ignore me.

Sophiestree profile image
Sophiestree in reply to SheffieldJane

I'm late in reading posts at the moment due to a bunch or c&%p going on my end. But did you have your appt? Or it is coming up. Stand your ground.

I was given omeprazole but never took it. They clearly haven't noticed that I don't reorder it, but I can't be bothered to put them right.

I also have that specific pain in my abdomen but that was one of my original symptoms pre diagnosis... nodules on my intestines, liver, lungs, parathyroid... sigh....

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Sophiestree

Sorry you are having a bunch of c&%p to deal with. I hope it resolves soon! I did have my f2f appointment and need to submit samples for bacterial infection. Not sure why we aren’t on the Endoscopy/colonoscopy route yet and why pelvic congestion has led to a gynaecologist referral when the symptoms are bowel and bladder. We’ll get there I guess but it’s slow and I am in pain scrolling google searches and freaking myself out.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

Younger daughter had endometriosis - most symptoms besides the horrendous monthly pain were bowel and bladder related. And I think the gynae was lead - the surgery involved all 3 specialists.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to PMRpro

Thank you for sharing this. Pelvic congestion is what they are looking at after a CT scan. You go on line and try for an appointment at 3 reachable hospitals, fail to get one, then disappear into the system. My doctor says try again but there doesn’t seem to be that option. The pain is dragging me down like no other.

SheffieldJane profile image

I should know this after my son in law. I thought that he was still training, when he did his. I have seen several, they are either unsure or over sure. Bad luck maybe. We can be difficult patients due to the nature of our diseases and drugs I guess.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to SheffieldJane

Difficult patients? Us? Surely not 😳

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to DorsetLady

Charming with it though.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to DorsetLady

Perish the thought ... ;)

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to PMRpro

I am a positive supplicant these days. 🙏

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

They are still TRAINING for their speciality - but they are already qualified as medics. It's the over-confident that scare me ... They hang on to it - and one really messed me up for a few days even though I actually ignored her! "I've worked in medicine for over 20 years = I have experience too" - stopped medication and then I had to go to other doctors who do know their cardiology to say sorry but ...

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to PMRpro

Do you think that taking Lansoprazole for worsening low abdominal pain and diarrhoea at this stage, is closing the door after the horse has bolted? She poked me hard in my pain-free upper abdomen, I said ouch and she said conclusively that it was tender and therefore I needed to take Lansoprazole . I argued about the side effects and she said crossly “ do you want a stomach ulcer and to bleed out”? Er no. I was asked years ago when rejecting Alendronic Acid, following a 2 great DEXA scan results, if I wanted to end up in a wheelchair. Still standing. Contrast this with my patient centred Rheumatologist Dr Sarah Mackie.My pain radiates from my appendix area ( no one mentions that) not my stomach.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

I recognise that position - I think mine there is muscular, it is worse when the S/I joint is making its present felt. And if you can get a stomach ulcer THERE ... Think she could do with some anatomy refereshers ...

Sophiestree profile image
Sophiestree in reply to SheffieldJane

That 'er no' made me laugh out loud.

I had similar years ago with a rheumie when I was talking about medication. It was 3 months after my husband died (unexpectedly) and so I wasn't really feeling it.

He said "fine, don't take it them, you'll fracture your vertebrae and die"

Nice... I left...

Sophiestree profile image
Sophiestree in reply to Sophiestree

Meds for osteoporosis... sorry, meant to say that

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Sophiestree

I was outside when it hit me - bleed out - to death did she mean. Wow!Great Rheumie they should be on Jinasc’s roll of honour - not.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to SheffieldJane

Apparently I've had two stomach bleeds in my life. The second was interesting and cause unexplained. I basically collapsed completely out of the blue. I crawled to my bedroom where there was a phone and phoned my son's cellphone and he sent his dad upstairs to help me into bed. I was hit with a raging thirst so he brought me water. And then I went to sleep. Whatever happened I was unable to stand up and could barely move. I think this would not be a bad way to die. No pain.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to HeronNS

Stop it , you are going no where. Xx

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to SheffieldJane

No I don't intend to. This was several years ago. But we all have to go sometime, and I can think of a lot more terrible ways to depart the planet!

SheffieldJane profile image

The answer to all that ails me is apparently Prednisalone. They must learn this on day one. I fear that it leads to missing things, like the not inconsiderable side effects of other medication.

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