Hi I’m travelling to the US this year and the travel insurance (tried a few) is almost as much as the flights one PMR is mentioned. Have any of you any TI suggestions? I’m UK based. I did a search and couldn’t find anything in the FAQ Many thanks
Travel Insurance : Hi I’m travelling to the US this... - PMRGCAuk
Travel Insurance

Is it really the PMR or when they hear about Methotrexate? Also, travelling to the USA makes any travel insurance expensive because health care is so expensive I was told. When I went on a European cruise I used Aviva when I has on 18mg Pred for GCA 5 months after diagnosis. They weren’t bothered. However, my cyclical neutropaenia where my neutrophils drop every three weeks upsets the premium big time. They are ok until I reply yes when they ask if it makes me more prone to infections. Even though I have never got any that required medical help, because I can theoretically get them is enough for ££££. Methotrexate may fall into this bracket. Recently I’ve had it with Tripadvisor which uses one of the big main underwriters and it’s the same.
Never got that far to tell them about the meds as it didn’t ask, doing research but wondered how others had got on
You are probably better searching by phone, even possibly using a specialist agent. Online forms don't differentiate the same way as a person can.
Ah, we’re you doing an online quote? If so I have found they either stall at pre-existing conditions and say call this number… or it isn’t nuanced enough to reflect that the real situation. Also, a number of companies don’t feature on comparison sites.
We are ringing round but we’re just initially getting a feel of things. Post Office looking good so far.
You might find some info on here. moneysavingexpert.com/insur...
In the past Abbey l’ve not had any issues with PMR/Steroids/MTX but now l have High BP (controlled) Stable Angina, High Cholesterol, both of which l take Meds……
We always have had our Insurance with our Bank & continue to do so but l have to pay an extra premium to cover me for Medical Issues.
I forget exactly how much it was but around £430 for the year & its worldwide.
We’ve had a recent Post about this…..
Thanks Mrs Nails 💜
I’ve just added the recent post to my reply above - but l’ll add it here again 😉
Just picking up your details re insurance. Like you I used to get my insurance via my bank, but this year aged 85, and with an added issue having had a TIA last July, they declined. No explanation given.My son and daughter are coming with me to Menorca for a week mid June. Have gone with Staysure, £611 for the week ! Still as they say, can’t take it with you, I do have quite a few conditions, since OHS on Apixaban twice a day, statin, Prednisolone down to 1 mg. anyway being with the two of them will be fun! They get on well together too.

I always used LV when J had GCA - no issues, good price .But was only on quite low doses of Pred. ..and the US bumps up the price - couldn’t believe the difference when flying to NZ - between via US and via Singapore.
Hi Abbey 17, I had to declare my PMR to the insurance provider (the one I get via my bank account) and I chose not to pay extra to cover PMR. What could possibly happen as long as I have a decent supply of steroids to last me during my visit (this is covering the sick day rules situation and an unplanned extended stay) was my thinking. But, of course, this is a personal choice and I would not want to discourage you from getting a full cover.
Um - knowing the UK, they may try to link (for example) a fall skiing to restricted movement due to PMR ... I have come across some very convoluted attempts to get out of paying costs!
I think you’re spot to on there, PMRpro. Insurance companies are renown for looking for any slightest loophole not to pay out.
Here in mainland Europe, Austria/northern Italy in particular, there is a travel insurance that is used by almost all travel agents here. They ask no questions about pre-existing conditions but you must not have had inpatient treatment in the previous (I think) 6 months before travel for something you claim on. However, in the event of having been in hospital in that time all you need is a statement from the doctor that you were fit to travel. And the agent said they had never had a claim refused. I couldn't believe it - I rang them to check and be sure. Only available for residents in Autria and South Tirol - maybe we are very healthy really! My current one is from the White Cross, also only for residents in the region, and at the top level of 150 euros for one person worldwide, the air repatriation works from Day 1 of the illness if you are declared fit to travel - so less need for extensive hospital stay claims. The next level down is after 3 days.
Always be careful with the USA I lived there for 15 years and an now a US pensioner which is quite nice but I fear going back for holidays because of insurance.
We did use my wife's insurance with Bank of America and that was good when we lived there. Barclay's were pretty good with no fuss and a name we can all trust but read the fine print when it comes to conditions.
I had a couple of 4 hour ankle surgeries in California and saw what our insurance company was billed and it was frightening!

Good advice thanks I’ll take care when choosing.
Your bank is the best bet. Mrs Nails has also advised this - so try your bank first.
There was an article in the press recently saying that people were being charged more than the cost of the flight for insurance. They did say to hunt around though.
Maybe that reflects the UK joining in with real life for insurance costs? No cheap stuff here. Though mine is pretty reasonable with White Cross - just for medical though, and flying me home to a hospital ... Or burying me.
My bank offers me a free travel insurance although I have not tried it so there is probably some lurking problem.
Usually stop at some silly young age. Or you have PMR ... Or a new hip ...
Our bank says this too piglette- but actually they add a supplement if you’re over 70, and for each current medical condition 🤷♀️ If I remember correctly, it cost me about £300 for the ‘free’ travel insurance when I visited friends in Canada in January 2019. (Hubby’s was about £100 also). Goodness knows what it would be now!
You may want to search on the subject, as somebody posted the same question last week! My tip, try Staysure. We were with our bank, paid a little extra for medical cover, then the next year they refused to cover me any longer.
Exactly what has happened to me this year!
Rotten, I reckon! They love you when you’re healthy, they charge you happily when a bit of you goes wrong, then they don’t want you at all!! With Staysure, though once they’d charged the earth for all my others medical issues, they didn’t increase it when I rang & told them I have PMR!! Need to face phoning them & see what exorbitant fees would be now…but I fear it may end up being the thing that stops us travelling abroad…more than covid has!!
Remember though that adding something extra during the period of insurance doesn't result in an increase or refusal at the time - it is covered by the insurance you have unless there is an exclusion clause included. But it may be another matter at renewal or next time you seek short term cover.
We cancelled our insurance two years ago. Then, it was costing us £1,200 a year for a joint policy, so not something you’d keep running in the background! Then, we were going abroad at least 4 times a year, so an annual policy made sense. Now we would take a short, specific one until we see what happens with Covid! There is an upper monetary limit, I think, on how much overseas holidays are worth it for us!
Well quite!!! Mind you - I had one short term quote and was flabbergasted to discover that an annual policy was actually marginally cheaper! For me still, holidaying within the EU is very cheap - my Italian insurance is valid all over Europe (unlike UK insurance now unless the UK version of the EHIC hasn't changed). And my White Cross cover from here is only about £150 a year worldwide. Only medical though - not sure about cancellation/loss but it never seemed horrendous.
Yes, that’s why we had the annual cover, partly. But it may be different now, we will get short term & annual quotes. There is a new version of EHIC, but after Brexit it must be different! It’s on my list of things to do to apply for the card, but not a priority! Of course we may limit to Europeans well, but we’d like to go to the Maldives again & go to the US National parks (I planned independent trip for our Ruby wedding anniversary, but it was first year of Covid!) plus southern florida in the winter, much warmer than European winter spots! Time will tell! S x
I used Insure and Go to Europe and they didn't bat an eye lid about PMR or Benign ectopic heart beats. All included. I had seen a Rheumy and a Cardiologist in the previous 2 years but had been discharged. No idea how your specific details might pan out and the US even more so but worth a look
Hi, I have a travel ins with my bank, luckily enough we took it out just before covid 19. They know all my med conditions including GCA /PMR and the only thing that seems to incur extra fee is my hip dislocation which happened over 20years ago. I thought my husband would be more expensive as he has many health conditions ( myasthenia gravis, organising pneumonia, common variable immune deficiency, pulmonary embolism 3 years ago and various other things) but they don’t seem bothered by that.
Try your bank. Hope it helps.
This does not really answer your question but I thought that I would mention. My credit card covers my travel insurance but I have to notify and pay for known conditions. By adding PMR the extra cost was about £15 per annum.
Good to know thank you
Hi. I have a Lloyds Gold Account which was free until last year. Now £15 a month but it includes worldwide travel insurance until I am 80. I have hypertension which does not affect the cost, but combined with my PMR they charged an additional premium of £79.
Hi, I lived in the US for a short while 15 years ago and got to see how expensive medical treatment is. We had travel insurance and used it when my wife needed tests for suspected appendicitis. Two hours in the hospital with a scan cost $12,400 back then. Luckily it was a false alarm but it took “Insure and Go” nearly a year to settle the bill. The interim time was scary because the hospital passed the debt on to a Swiss collection agency who added $1,000 per threatening letter. Even if you are are insured for $1 million, it can be swallowed up in a week if you are hospitalised in the USA, so be careful about who you choose to provide your insurance. Always be straight about medical conditions and if you need treatment in the US, always call the UK 24 hour helpline for authorisation, making a note of your reference number.
Staysure or Allclear we’ve found most cost effective. Don’t leave any conditions out - back then they didn’t know what GCA or PMR was but accepted the conditions. Between us we have many conditions and they covered all including repatriation. Not sure about today’s costs with covid too but worth a try. Our bank also covers but not pre-existing medical conditions.
I currently have an annual worldwide policy with the Post Office, it includes America and Caribbean which is where we’ve just returned from, I only have PMR and T2 diabetes, the annual cost was approx £180, I’m over 70 so have to pay more, it only covered me as my husband is under and still covered by the banks policy.
We had no problem getting our recent annual travel insurance (for Europe). We researched & researched and eventually went with Staysure again. Think it was around £250ish for the two of us. They asked nothing about my PMR and neither me or my husband had to give any details of any meds.
Staysure offered the best cover, too.
Hello, I used Aviva when I went to the US before Covid and they did add a premium due to my GCA but it was reasonnable and not many questions asked either. My EU traveling insurance also has gone up to include the long term illness but again within reasons. May be since Covid they consider us at even higher risk than before. I would say also to call direct and talk it through the phone.
Hi Abbey17. I don’t think that it is your condition it’s because your going to the USA even insurance on a cruise ship is cheaper then if you go to the states ! About 3 years ago when I mentioned to my doctor that I was travelling to America he said that my insurance would be sky high because the medical care is very expensive in America and he was right. I am going to San Francisco this year with my daughter and I know that we will both pay a lot for our insurance, we did three years ago. My daughter has no ailments I like you have pma . We went with staysure 3 years ago. Good luck
I use SAGA for myself 69 & husband 81 - renewed this years annual policy for £448 - actually slightly cheaper than last year . They are really good and provide excellent cover .
Abbey forgot to say one family member had heart opp.
I am off to Key West soon and got a very reasonable quote from Aviva. Some lesser known names had bad reviews for trying to make a claim if you need to.
I use All Clear, good coverage, not cheap but I have a couple of other conditions too.
I have found coop insurance good
My insurance wasn’t interested in PMR more interested in Osteopenia. We use nationwide