I am at 2.5 mg prednisone. Should I worry about being immunosuppressed in relation to covid?
how much pred makes us immunosuppressed? - PMRGCAuk
how much pred makes us immunosuppressed?

It's more how long you have been on pred and at higher doses. At this sort of level it shouldn't have much immunosuppressive effect BUT you must bear in mind that Omicron is extremely infectious and even young and healthy people who have been vaccinated are still catching it at the drop of a hat. Just because the UK government seems to think it has gone doesn't make anyone entirely safe and the rest of the world is looking on aghast at such precipitate removal of precautions.
I haven't changed my habits at all - I'm in Italy so masks are still mandatory thank goodness except outdoors away from crowds - and I don't intend to stop taking care until the levels of infection in the population as WAAAAAAY below what they are at present.
Omicron developed in parallel to Delta, not from it, and another variant can appear in exactly the same way. It isn't time to cast caution to the wind yet.
Thanks PMRpro. I am being very careful, Omicron is just kicking off here in NZ, we are all being very careful, but obviously it is very contagious. This is the first time covid has really started to spread here .What I wonder about is, will I fare worse if I contract the virus because I am still on (a small dose of) pred and PMR is still definitely with me.
I see you have actually answered that. I have been on pred for 3 years, at one point at 60 mg because of suspected GCA, but as you say, shouldn't panic because my dose is so low now. As I now understand it, my reaction to the virus, which is what I have been worried about, will probably be no worse than anyone else's.
There are several on the forum who have had it, before and after the jabs. I don;t think it is significantly worse because of pred or PMR.
Have you had your jabs? If you were on more pred at the time of the first 2 jabs then you definitely need a third.
I have been called to have my 4th jab, am booked in for tomorrow at 2.15. Glad it’s not today with this awful wind! Have others had their 4th I wonder?
Just got back from having my 4th 👍
Like you, I didn’t fancy going out in this wind, but I decided it was okay so battled past the fallen trees etc. Now hoping the after effects are minor (they were with the first three).
All the best tomorrow x
I am currently on 4mg Pred and tested positive for Covid in mid January a few days after my husband. I have had 3 jabs, third one last November. Symptoms were mostly heavy cold with an irritating cough and low key headache across the forehead for 3 to 4 days. Then eased but tickly cough lingered. Day 8 saw a set back for 2 or 3 more days with sneezing and runny nose plus flu like tiredness. I continued to test positive for 11 days in all. The most confusing thing was trying to distinguish whether aches and stiffness were PMR or Covid or what percentage split they represented. Never did get a handle on that! Four weeks on and I think I am back to the familiar pre-Covid early morning stiffness but abandoning any idea of resuming my DSNS taper for now.
Thanks for replying Florrie4. I have been terrified I would get really sick if I caught it, but doesn't sound as though it was too bad for you. I so much want to be well, after three years of PMR!
You may like to search on this subject on this forum as it has come up frequently in the past, & you should find many more comments & posts. As you are ‘new’ to it, in a way…but it’s been a frequent subject on this site in past years!! Hopefully, it will calm your fears a little (which many of us share , I may add)!
Yes, I thought there had been a lot of discussion but being safe here in NZ until now, I brushed it off. Omicron is finally bringing the reality home for us. I looked for the discussions but am easily confused and didn't find what I was looking for. it's reassuring to hear you weren't knocked back too badly by the virus.
What in particular are you looking for- all things covid are here -
Was talking to my daughter last night, she’s just outside Methven, on SI….not too badly affected there……seems mainly Auckland and surrounding areas, although spreading across NI quickly…..
such a shame you’ve done so well, but unfortunately Omicron is much more rampant, but thankfully less serious than previous incarnations.
She said to me “oh mum, when are you going to be able to get over again?”… my reply “as soon as possible!”…..
Take care…
Thanks Dorset Lady, The link was what I needed, though the replies from the forum are ,as always, the most helpful thing. Your daughter in Methven is probably as safe as it's possible to be, quite removed from the world. Here in Nelson we felt like that too, but Omicron is spreading more quickly by the day even here.
Let's hope it will all be over before too long, surely it must be.
Thanks Dorset Lady. Woops, I wrote a reply but it seems to have disappeared. The link is just what i needed, but also reassurances from forum members is the most helpful thing.
Your daughter in Methven is pretty far removed from the rest of the world, she should be safe one would think. Here in Nelson there has been very little of the previous variants, single digits, so we felt safe, but now Omicron is spreading quickly through our community, and this is just the first few days.
It seems to have reappeared..😊vagaries of the forum!
Yes think South Island has fared better….apart from further down in the Queenstown area - …although Mount Hutt is Methven, so think they may be a bit worried in ski season….
At the moment she’s more worried about a house they are having built in Barrhill, difficulties in getting building supplies already holding things up….don’t need another lockdown, Should have been in for Xmas, now hoping for Easter…
Take care….
Ive been shielding for 2 years & 3 months now! My husband has asthma & COPD, & I have other immune system issues. Because of this we read everything available, but you’ve asked a difficult question! But at least you are on a lower dosage than many people at 2.5. As DL says, there is a great resource for all things Covid on this forum, & she’s given you the link…stay safe!
Thanks for the reply Pixix. Yes, I know I should be more or less Ok, I have been reassured by other PMR people on the forum. I had been very frightened as we had been pretty safe here in Nelson, New Zealand, but suddenly Omicron is spreading very quickly through our community. All the very best to you and your husband.