I’ve had a bout of this recently. I’m under a lot of stress at the moment but v rarely have migraines. It occurred when I was first diagnosed with pmr. Coincidence then? Is it a warning of recurring gca? I’m down to 3mg predisolone atm.
Is kaleidoscopic vision a feature of GCA? - PMRGCAuk
Is kaleidoscopic vision a feature of GCA?

might be helful. One respondent says itis typical of optical migraine.
I had the kaleidoscope vision in my right eye. I went to the eye doctor and he determined that The optic nerve was swollen with hermitage in my eye. Had nothing to do with my PMR. He believed that it could have been caused by a TIA (mini stroke). People have them all the time, usually comes with severe headaches, can come and go without any side effects. He had several test run to check blood flow to my brain. All test came back clean. Unfortunately, after the hermitage and swelling cleared I lost appx 40% of the vision in the eye. It’s as if someone threw a net over the eye. It can improve but only up to six months after initial event. Mine improved some but it has left me with a blind spot on the right side of my eye. Sucks but could have been total. Bottom line, I would see a doctor as soon as you can.
A pale swollen optic disc is a sign of AION - and GCA can cause it as well as a TIA. It is always a warning - and possibly had you been given steroids the visual loss would not have occured.
I initially went to my eye doctor. Then I got a referral from my GP for the tests. I also saw my cardiologist who verified the test requested by my GP. They checked everything to try and nail down the problem. Unfortunately, TIA can go totally undiagnosed after it happens.
This seems to be a question we see a lot and I can sympathise with how worrying it is. I get them a lot always in both eyes. It’s very disconcerting. I have discussed it with my ophthalmologist who did my cataract, my retina specialist who I was referred to because my cataract op didn’t help my poor vision and my optometrist. All seem rather dismissive, that it’s “just optical migraines” and nothing to do with GCA. The retina specialist said she couldn't help because it wasn’t anything to do with the eye and suggested I ask my GP about a possible referral to a neurologist or vascular specialist but inferred (nicely) that it would be a waste of time. I have decided to just go with the flow and try relaxation when I have them. I hope whatever is causing your stress eases up, our health is so dependant on outside pressures sometimes.
By kaleidoscopic vision, do you mean everything seems broken up and sparkling ? I had several bouts of this , but it cleared up each time with half a Diazepam. The Rheumatologist told me when he was diagnosing my GCA, that this pixelated eyesight was a clear symptom. It used to occur in both eyes. .Best wishes, Tahiri