struggling with weight since being on prednisone - PMRGCAuk


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struggling with weight since being on prednisone

Linny3 profile image
17 Replies

Hopeing some have some wisdom for me on this.

I have never tried weight loss products but am tempted to try RiduZone. I wonder if anyone has tried it? I can't find any contraindications with taking it with prednisone.

I just can't deal with the constant hunger from the pred. It is driving me crazy, especially since I had to raise my dose during the covid crisis I was in..

RiduZone is suppose to cut the hunger signals. I have tried all the wisdom on here but nothing helps. I am now obese and only about 2lbs away from being able to do the lap band surgery. YIKES!

I need to do something and this seems reasonable.

Thanks for any replies

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Linny3 profile image
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17 Replies
PMRpro profile image

How much have you tried cutting carbs? Some of us need a very low level of carbs, almost keto, to lose weight. And often when people say they can't stop gaining weight on their "low carb" diet they are actually eating far more carbs than they realise - because they are eating fruit as a "healthy" snack. Healthy it may be - but it can hide a lot of carbohydrate in the form of fructose, fruit sugar. One banana is enough to tip me into the "too much to lose weight" amount of carbs.

This is a fairly sensible review:

Another 2020 article I read said it works in rats - but there had been no human studies. And it is a supplement, even if it is FDA approved, that doesn't mean it works nor is it subject to the same controls as drugs.

To be honest - I couldn't justify spending that much a month on an unproven supplement.

Linny3 profile image
Linny3 in reply to PMRpro

Thanks for the reply Yes I have always tried to keep my carbs low especially since pred entered my life.

I just spent 5 weeks counting my carbs eating high protein and no sugar and I just kept getting hungrier and hungrier. The hungrier I got the more I ate and It has been crazy. I will admit to an orange a day, but that has never been a lot for me in the past, especially when I am counting carbs. I got so frustrated I started eating anything and everything for the last 4-5 days and I feel horrible.

Starting today; no fruit whatsoever, no sugar and lots of protein and minimal carbs to no carbs (though that is almost impossible.). That usually helps to curb the appetite, we'll see if it helps this time. I think it is a battle with pred. and that is how my body is reacting to it for now. I have gotten hungry on pred. but never like this.


Nextoneplease profile image
Nextoneplease in reply to Linny3

Oh Linny I’m sorry to hear this 🙁 I know what it’s like to battle with hunger, especially on pred!

I’m currently using an app to record my food intake and exercise. I just enter what I eat and drink, and have linked it to my Fitbit to set against exercise and calories expended. I find it gives me good feedback without thinking about it too much, which only makes me hungrier. Wonder if it might help you? I use LifeSum but there are lots of others.

Good luck xx

Linny3 profile image
Linny3 in reply to Nextoneplease

Thank you for your reply. I was only planning to use the supplement as a starting off point of lowering hunger. You make good suggestions.

Nextoneplease profile image
Nextoneplease in reply to Linny3

This supplement does look pricey - however, sometimes it’s important to do what makes you feel good - and if, for you, at this moment, it’s RiduZone, maybe that’s what you need. In the long term, though, I’ve found high protein, medium fat and low carb a good combination for weight loss - that and eating loads of green and other ‘above ground’ veg. In winter I eat many of the veg in roasted form or in home made soups, in summer in salads. I exercise as much as I can, though it isn’t much.

Also I think Kendrew makes a good point that sometimes when we crave food, we’re actually thirsty, so I drink lots of water.

Good luck, whatever you decide to do x

PMR2011 profile image
PMR2011 in reply to Linny3

Sorry this has been such a challenge. I see you mention Protein and carbs but not fat. You actually need good quality fat to even out glucose spikes in your blood which can cause the cravings. Nuts (make a great snack), avocado, butter, full fat yogurt and even animal fats from grass fed beasts. Unfortunately fats were given a bum rap early on. I would have nuts whenever I had a hunger craving and found it really helped. Also, ensuring I stated fully hydrated with water. Good luck.

Kendrew profile image

Hi Linny3. Firstly, I'm not a qualified dietician or nutritionist but I do know a fair amount about healthy eating as I've done much research over the years (and particularly since my PMR diagnosis 3yrs ago)

I've learnt the hard way that when it comes to weight loss there is no magic remedy. Most of these 'slimming aids' promise amazing results but realistically they're either unachievable or unsustainable..... if it sounds too good to be usually is!! I personally wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life relying on an extremely expensive weight loss product to reduce my weight, particularly when there's not enough evidence or endorsement to prove its efficacy.

I honestly believe that the only safe way to manage effective & sustainable weight loss is to

- adjust your diet

- engage in some form of exercise, even if it's only walking around the living room once every hour or raising & lowering your arms and legs a few times.

- eat at regular intervals.

Low carb has proved to be very successful with steroid users but as Pro already touched on, do your research first because there are carbs in foods you wouldn't imagine...such as bananas, sweet potatoes, apples, mangoes.

Frequently when we think we feel hunger, it's actually thirst so drinking water can often ease the hunger pangs.

Protein fills you up for longer so bear that in mind when meal planning too. I eat lots of chicken, eggs, cheese, and some types of fish like fresh salmon.

Eating the right foods at regular intervals should definitely make a difference but I do accept that when you feel hungry and you're not well it's hard to find the discipline to meet the challenge. It is worth it though and if you can find the motivation to stick with it, I'm sure you'll see results. It won't happen overnight though, but 'gradual' & 'steady' will be safer than any kind of quick fix.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do, I'm just trying to give you some more information so you have other options to consider. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you good luck and a successful outcome.

Linny3 profile image
Linny3 in reply to Kendrew

Thank you for your response you make some good points.

ubaoz profile image

When you mentioned being really hungry even though you've cut your carbs a lot, my first thought was whether you have increased your healthy fats? The energy the body needs to maintain function has to come from somewhere, so if you're not eating much in the way of carbs or fats/oils, then I'm not surprised you're hungry. has lots of good information on balancing macros, ie protein/carbs/fats.

I follow a keto diet, less than 20gm carbs per day and over 50% of my daily kilojoules come from fats. It's very rare for me to get the munchies and I'm losing weight gently but steadily. Others are far more expert than me on this, so may advise differently, this is just what works for me.

Good luck, I hope you can get something that suits you.

Pixix profile image

If you look at FAQs, there’s a lot about diet & many people have written helpful comments. I guess you didn’t look there as you were actually asking about riduzone. I’ve never heard of it here (England), but I’m struggling with my weight. I’m on the 5:2 diet, but think my body has got used to it. My quickest loss was a stone on the keto diet…again, if you search on this forum, you will find lots of info, good luck, & please let us know if you try riduzone & it works! Thanks!

Linny3, I am in exactly the same boat as you...I was diagnosed with PMR last March and been on Pred since. I was overweight when diagnosed and very aware that I needed to do something. My rheumie told me a calorie controlled diet was the way to lose weight but I was struggling with hunger and even on weeks where I was very careful, still gaining lbs. I saw reference to low carb diet on this forum and tried my very best to follow it but found it very difficult to cut out potatoes, rice, pasta and bread while preparing food for the family as well - it was too tempting to add a little spoonful onto my plate! Anyway, another two stone heavier than I started, I really need to do something so I bought myself Michael Mosley's book, the fast 800 keto and I'm trying to follow the meal plans/recipes he provides. In my first week, I lost 2lbs (not a lot but in the right direction) but my hubby lost 6lb! It really depressed me but I've been losing 1lb-2lb a week for the last three weeks so getting somewhere although I'm not really enjoying the food, hoping that it will soon become second nature! If you try Riduzone and it works, please let us know, I think they might get a few more customers!

AyJayBass profile image

A quick Google of Riduzone brought me to the websites below one of which scoffs at Riduzone's claims, the other urging caution. Make of it what you will, but personally I wouldn't start taking an expensive diet aid without some independent opinions of whether it really works or whether it's just another "snake oil".



PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to AyJayBass

Don't think I saw the David one - not impressed is he!!! Miriam was a bit more measured ....

AyJayBass profile image
AyJayBass in reply to PMRpro


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to AyJayBass

Either way - confirmed my suspicions!

AyJayBass profile image
AyJayBass in reply to PMRpro

Mine too. Snake oil!

Linny3 profile image
Linny3 in reply to AyJayBass

Thanks for info looked at a lot of that info and decided to try it for a month. Now, it can cause stomach distress so I may not be able to take it. I just felt Like I had tried everything and couldn't stand the hunger one more day..If only I could get my pred down even a little bit I am sure it would help.

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