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jessiem profile image
15 Replies

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jessiem profile image
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15 Replies
PMRpro profile image

I think it was posted about when it appeared in the Guardian.

jessiem profile image
jessiem in reply to PMRpro

I’m always behind the curve!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to PMRpro

Yes you posted it! 😂🤣

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to DorsetLady

Someone else did too didn't they?

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to PMRpro


winfong profile image

For those of us who missed that article, it seemed rather one-dimensional to me. I never eat fast food, never have. I'd be more likely to attribute it to stress and perhaps environmental toxins

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to winfong

We had rather an interesting discussion on the post when it was first put up by PMRpro , you might want to check out her past posts and have a read as it covered much the same thoughts as you are having.

agingfeminist profile image
agingfeminist in reply to winfong

more interesting is the recent research linking MS with Epstein Barr virus earlier in life. I certainly had that...I wonder if it could be one of the inputs for many of us on here?

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to agingfeminist

Some time ago I remember a discussion on here about mono (also caused by Epstein- Barr) and possible connection to auto-immune like PMR. I had mono (glandular fever) when about 20. The latest discussion also suggests link to diseases like lupus, plus it's something that nearly everyone has, but only a few develop further illness. Now that I know more I wonder if I can attribute something I would now call brain fog but then I didn't have a name for it, which I experienced for some time after being sick. At the time I blamed it on birth control pill which I started taking at around same time. I remember the doctor from student health actually coming to see me in the first apartment we were in, recently married, and determining that's what I had. Last house call (and first too I suppose as I grew up in a doctor's house) I ever had! Wouldn't it be a bummer if the seeds of PMR were planted way back then? But I guess there is still nothing that can be done for it once you've got it.

agingfeminist profile image
agingfeminist in reply to HeronNS

thank you for your thoughtful reply...clearly only one part of the daughter-in-law has recently been diagnosed with MS, years earlier her childhood friend who lived next door her for 20 years was also diagnosed. Environmental, viral??

I am curious...i have suffered for years on and off with a low-grade virus...intermittent sore throat...and occasional fluey like feeling, flashes of deep fatigue...I feel like a viral infection is always simmering...years before I got pmr but it continues now. Have you ever had anything like it?

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to agingfeminist

Nova Scotia actually has a high rate of MS so environment or genes have always been considered prime suspects. But an infectious agent would also help explain it. Of course correllation doesn't necessarily mean causation, but definitely worth study.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to agingfeminist

With regard to an ongoing infection, no, BUT this was very like what I had when I was sick way back in my last year of university. It went on for at least six months before I was sick enough to see a doctor and get diagnosed, but actually from that moment I started to recover. A few years later I taught school for a year and was, literally, sick evey long weekend, about every six weeks, but I think that can be explained by my new exposure to young people (although I wasn't very old myself. I'd been away from school for about eight years by then, and except for mono I was seldom sick at uni). Kids are little germ factories!

Hiibilly profile image

Saw this last time but always worth a thought because you sit and wonder why you and why you are in so much pain. I like winfong have never eat fast food, always fresh home cooked but my dad was a polymer engineer and our house was full of plastic and rubber compounds. Easy to blame the evil man but I also was exposed to screen printing inks in my job as a teacher. I feel the world is as toxic for us as it is for all the creatures on the planet. Any way always worth looking through all on the site especially if your new and need some answers.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Hiibilly

I remember being exposed to insecticide being sprayed on the garden, and breathing in the smell of the exhaust from vehicles, in those days no doubt loaded with lead as well as the volatile chemicals. And many of us were already on the planet when nuclear bomb atmospheric testing was in its heyday.

Hiibilly profile image
Hiibilly in reply to HeronNS

Funny you should say that I was thinking about that yesterday. Plus listened or read about chemicals affecting us on a genetic level somewhere might have been on here and that being past on down the generations, I had a grandfather that was gased in the First WW do we really know or do some people know and keep it quiet what demage is being done. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply Herons. It only popped up a few minutes ago.

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