Hi. I have mentioned my fast taper before. But feel dreadful and am worried. Quick recap I'm reducing by 2.5 per week or was told to, (I've slowed it down) on rhuemys orders to have a scan as she's making sure it's PMR due to age. She wanted me to reduce 2.5 per week.
Anyway I've gone a little slower than she wanted as had lots on dads funeral amongst other things losing job getting new job. Had apt with her on weds and she asked if am on 2.5 yet. I said no 5 as I've gone slower and last week was on 6. Told her I can't carry on like this as in pain all day. She said needs to get this sorted. So please go to 2.5 next week. Get bloods done as she needs inflammation to show to order the scan and then I'm to go to zero for four or five days prior to scan. Now whilst I understand all the reasons why.. I'm worried because have a new pain in my back lower left side. I don't know where adrenals live but reading on here about silly fast tapers and adrenal crisis, I never thought to question rheumy about this tho I did my gp few weeks ago and he said she wouldn't put me at risk (the rheumy) anyway. I'm wondering what to look out for etc.
i did say to rheumy I'm worried about being on a low dose weeks awaiting scan she said it won't be it will be a week or so and as soon as I've had it I can take a high dose again. I just want to start again on a dose I need which don't think ever had before and the scan prove it's PMR and get it all sorted with proper tapers etc. hopefully won't be too much longer. But I am worried about going from 5mg to 2.5 in a week and over the last weeks it's been 10 to 8.5 to 7 to 6 etc weekly which is slower than she said. Don't think she's very happy with me but if I'd known the scans not taking too long I may have gone faster but risked adrenals ? It's a minefield and I don't know what to think and worrying and everything hurts !!
Any advice from you experts would be appreciated. I know ultimately though I have to bite the bullet