Hi all, I’ve been very grateful for your support since June. I thought I’d give an update on my condition. After many scans and tests, my new rheumatologist thinks that I have PMR after all. I’m glad we ruled everything else out - including cancer and vasculitis - as I can crack on and deal with getting better.
That said, early last week I noticed a significant drop in my pain levels and my head cleared. I’d say the head clearing is to do with the effects of the prednisone wearing off (I took my final dose on 29/10 after a rapid taper from 14mg over 4 weeks). The drip in pain levels are harder to explain. It could be my supplement protocol, anti inflam diet (although I don’t stick to that rigidly), breathwork, sleep, my relatively young age, twice daily walks? Who knows, all I know is that the pain has reduced alot.
I met with the rheumatologist on Thursday who advised holding off on medication as my pain was low. He was suggesting methotrexate as I don’t tolerate steroids. He said to continue as I am and we will review when I see him in December.
At the moment I’m taking soluble paracetamol for the pain (I have pain in my left hip and pain in my shoulders, upper back and neck) and I apply tiger balm to the painful areas. I walk twice a day and will start Pilates again. Daily breathwork seems to work too. In terms of supplements I take boswellia resin, high strength omega 3 oils, bromelain, megamag calmeze, vit D3 with K2 and ultrainflamX. I am also taking a course of adreset and Siberian gingseng and liquorice for my adrenal glands post steroids. I also take symprove and probiotics for Candida as that was one of the side effects of steroids.
I am doing a masters of science in nutrition so I have researched all of the supplements I take. T research is still relatively small in the PMR area but I do know that two ILs are the main drivers - my protocol is aiming to balance out my anti anc pro inflammatory cytokines. So far, it seems to be working for me. I’ll keep you updated!