I’m a bit of a fraud as I don’t have PMR, but my partner does (diagnosed by GP in Feb this year) I hope you don’t mind me joining the group but I feel I need to know as much as possible about PMR so I can help/support him. He’s clearly a bit rare as it seems the majority of folk on here are females. My best friend also has PMR (diagnosed just over a year now). Before she was diagnosed I’d never heard of PMR. Though now discover several other friends/acquaintances either have it or knows someone who does. And it seems (from my partners experience and reading posts on here), that GP’s and consultants are often as helpful as a chocolate teapot at helping/advising.
Hope this is ok….: I’m a bit of a fraud as I don’t... - PMRGCAuk
Hope this is ok….

1 You are not a fraud, we have people on here who are in the same position as you are and ask questions etc.
Although it is not as prevalent in men as women there are some men on this site. If you feel that he would like to talk to another male, send me a PM.
In the Frequently Asked Questions (pinned posts right had side of this page).
You will find a link to a video under the 'You are not Alone'.
There is a wealth of information in that section and if you can find the time read as much as you can.
Come back and ask away, that is what we are here for..............no question is ever stupid or small.
Hi, Just to reassure you, I’m an eighty one year old male, and have had pmr for over six years; currently I’m on two mg prednisolone daily. There are plenty of men on this excellent forum as you will soon find out.
I’m not a medic, or anything like that, so the forum has been an absolute godsend. The main advice I would give is to have a good read through the FAQs, and don’t be in too much of a rush to taper down your pred.
Also, you will need lots and lots of patience, and then more patience again!!
Good luck, and give your partner lots of tlc if you can.

Hi and welcome,
Good that you are trying to find out information for your partner. It's true that PMR is more common in females, but there are quite a lot on males on here..
This post was written for patients, and their loved ones...hope it helps both of you understand a bit more, and as jinasc says have a look at FAQs (also linked) as well, but please ask anything, anytime, there's always some around -
Well done you! Welcome.
I also add my "Well done" and please don't feel a fraud. You are carrying out a brilliant service on your husband's behalf and we're very pleased to have you with us. 🙂

A chocolate teapot might be more use than some - at least you can eat it!
Hi and welcome - of course you are welcome here, it would be lovely if more partners joined in to understand better. There are about twice as many women as men with PMR - though you might be surprised how many men there are around on and off, many have disguising user names. The do often have a shorter journey too - so aren't around as much - and men don't "chat" online as much maybe????
Read the FAQs and daily posts - and then ask if it wasn't covered.
I'm a 63 year old male and PMR got me about 4 years ago. It was quite daunting at first but I responded well to the pred and with the advice on this site, I managed to taper down over 2.5 years and am now off the meds and feeling fine.I hope your partner has an equally easy ride!
Can I ask what tapering method you used please.
1 day new dose, 4 days old dose then 1 day new, 3 days old then 1 day new, 2 days old then 1 day new, 1 day old.Then I would alternate 1 day new; 1 day old until I was happy that I was in a good place to continue the reduction.
Then: 1 day old, 2 days new then 1 day old 3 days new, then 1 day old, 4 days new then 1 day old, 5 days new.
Then all new dose.
But if your Doctor doesn't object, you can stretch this out to suit your reaction to a lower dose. There are tapering plans on the forum site - over on the right hand side of the page. And don't drop by any more than 10%. Buy a pill cutter (if you are not taking coated pred) and ask for 5mg, 2.5mg and 1 mg tablets to make the calculations easier.
Thankyou, I will start this beginning of Dec. Will have to get a calendar just for the tapering 🤔
If you try this - you don’t need a calendar- a computer and a printer will do it for you - healthunlocked.com/pmrgcauk...
Thankyou, will give it a try
If you want the excel spreadsheet just PM me with email address - not on open forum.
I'm a 62 year old male with Palindromic Rheumatism, joined this group as there are no groups for palindromic rheumatism and both conditions are treated by steroids - so a lot of thins in common
Another male here! Diagnosed in March this year; started on 15mg, now doing slow tapers of ½mg per 5 weeks and going quite well so far. Currently between 6mg and 5½mg per day. Getting occasional days of fatigue and have learned here that you just have to give in and rest on such days. I am so thankful for this community, I have learned so much here over the past few months. Knowledge is power and engenders hope.
Welcome! If only more intimate partners of those who have PMR were as keen as you, there would be more/better support for those of us who suffer with this condition. Your commitment to your partner’s health and well-being is evident! Feel free to ask questions and add your comments on posts that are relevant.