This research has just been published and makes very interesting reading. Attached are the links:-
Outcomes of COVID-19 in patients with primary sys... - PMRGCAuk
Outcomes of COVID-19 in patients with primary systemic vasculitis or polymyalgia rheumatica from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance

Thanks for this it makes for very interesting reading and probably why most/many of us here are still taking what we see as the sensible precautions that we have adopted over the last few/many months.
The trouble is, by the time the information filters through to mainstream medicine etc……As Bcol says we remain careful and vigilant and hopeful for the drugs being developed currently.
Kendrew has a valid point about getting bogged down by too much information, it tends to lead to feelings of hopelessness in some of us.
I skimmed through the article, most of which was beyond me, but I gather the risks in PMR are similar to general population, with age being the major factor for death, and GCA is like other comorbidities in causing greater risk. They also note the death rate decreased as treatment methods improved. Not a bad news story, but one which confirms we, like all older adults, have to remain cautious.

Thanks for info..
Agree with HeronNS comments, and probably not telling patients anything new...already aware of situation...and if not then they haven't been reading the posts on here.
Whether it will change how patients are treated in the real world will be the acid test. Let's hope so.
Very interesting, thank you; shows it pays to exercise caution.
Good links thanks, I always wonder if STILLS DISEASE will get mentioned in these papers but it is very rare so not easily studied. This is a timely reminder we must still be cautious.
a simple…THANK YOU.
Thanks for posting this. I'll take it to my next Rheum appt and beg for a third vax. According to local rules, I cant even get a booster till next Feb, infection numbers are predicted to increase, and hospital beds are in very short supply here in Victoria Australia. Very hard to get third doses here in most parts of Australia. So thanks again!
No problem. In the UK a third (booster) dose is offered to the clinically vulnerable aged 16 and over and to those aged 50 and over six months after their second dose. Information can be found on I have been volunteering at my GP surgery and have been vaccinating patients since the third week in September. Good luck with your Rheumy!
Thank you for the information particularly the full reportMy take away:
Pluses - 1. Treatments improved a lot over time
2. Study was pre third dose vaccination
Minuses - 1. Study was pre Delta
2. High ORs (odds ratios) for GCA and >= 10 mg steroids in addition to Age OR
So extreme care still needed