I am 81, 1 was on 4mg of Pred when vaccines arrived on the scene. I assume I was/am not classed as seriously immunosuppressed because I received no letter - but was simply rung by the surgery to make the appointments for jabs 1 and 2. (January and April)
A week ago I received a text from my GP Practice advising me that I had been invited to make an appointment for a COVID booster shot and giving me a link to make the appointment,
20 minutes later I received a text from 'NHSVaccine' telling me I was now eligible for 'your COVID Vaccine Booster' and giving me an nhs link and, thank heavens, 119 (I have made the appointment with a local pharmacy in two weeks.
Am I right in assuming that I, along with other ancient people who are not considered as severely immunosuppressed (I am now down to 2mg ) will not receive the third jab?