So, I mentioned earlier that I hade overdoen tthe exercis eabout 4 weeks ago and then also contracted some virus - was man down for a few days and afetr that felt really low - reminded me of having glandular fever - so maybe EBV reactivted. I played around a bit withupping my Pred dose from 5.5mg to 7 fro a few days then down again and then up again - but never staying up for more tahn 3-4 days. Scared of getting stuck there :).
Anyway do not know if its related but my neck and upper arms have been a bit stiff and sore for a while now. My upper arms feel like the pain is in the bone though. I never really had upper arm involvement when I was first diagnosed.
I know now from expert advice on here - that I should have gone up to 10mg for a couple of weeks.
Can I still do that now and how quickly can I come down to 5.5mg again?
As usual - thanks so much.