I've tried to work my way through this latest flare but am now looking for specific advice.
I have been tapering slowly and got to 12.5 pred and was on that dose for 3 weeks and looking to stay there another week when I had pain in buttocks, legs, hips and upper arms. Previously the pain had been very very mild.
I thought it was a flare so upped my dose to 14.5 thinking this would work , have been at 14.5 for 4 days and not noticing much of an improvement.
Should I go up 5 mg to 17.5 for 14 days?
Can I then drop back to 13.5 where I was comfortable without tapering?
Of course, like all of us, I worry about upping the pred but understand that I need to up it in some way.
Thoughts from the experts??