Three weeks ago, I discovered (via this wonderful group) that the NHS had decided to extend Tocilizumab injections until March 2022 (and indeed, my suppliers, Lloyds’ Homecare, arranged a delivery whilst I was away visiting my mum).
2 days later, my Consultant emailed me to say that she had re-submitted an application for individual funding (IFR) for me to continue with Toc.- she had not received any notification from the NHS about the Tocilizumab extension.
She had also requested a PET-CT scan to see definitively if the Tocilizumab injections had been able to stop the attack on my arteries (- I have now been on Tocilizumab weekly injections for 2 years, and for the past 14 months, have been completely off Prednisolone).
I had the PET-CT scan 10 days ago, and my consultant emailed me last Friday evening to say the results look excellent, and there is no evidence of active large vessel inflammation. This is incredibly reassuring and I know how lucky I am that I was able to have Tocilizumab, and also that I am one of the fortunate 1 in 3 for whom it seems to work almost miraculously (especially as I cannot tolerate Prednisolone).
What worries me though is that my consultant said she STILL has “not received formalised publication of the NHS Rapid Policy Statement” (on the Tocilizumab extension). I wonder how it is that Dr Sarah Mackie found out this information so quickly, and could she advise other Rheumatology consultants on how to improve communication of such important decisions? I know we must all look after our interests as best we can (and this forum helps us so much), but it really shouldn’t be up to patients to have to pass on the information.