I live in South Africa and the smallest prednisone tablets available here are 5mg. I am now down to 10mg from 20mg a day following DL plan and have tapered by 2.5mg per month since January. I've had no pain since starting on pred but I do suffer from fatigue and light headedness.
My question is: Because I can only get 5mg pred tablets would it be ok to take 10mg and then 7.5mg every other day which would work out over 30 days an average dose of 8.75mg a day.
I've used 7.5mg as it'fairly easy to cut a 5mg in half but to cut it into a quarter is very hit and miss whichever way I try.,
This is my calculation for information.
i.e ( 15x10)+(15×7.5)= 262.5.
262.5/30 = 8.75 mg average over 30 days.
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.