Just for interest, I have been asked by Covidence UK to take an antibodies test, which I have agreed to. I will report back on the results when they appear.
Antibodies Test: Just for interest, I have been... - PMRGCAuk
Antibodies Test

Don’t hold your breath....can take 6-8 weeks. I did one beginning of the month. ... and one in April (before vaccines).
Let us know when you get the results!
Have done one too....but think it could go either way...will post results when I get them too..
Me too.Xx
On the news today they said that 80% of the U.K. had antibodies.
I have recently done one, too. Had awful trouble getting enough blood despite warming the hand, milking the finger etc. Inadvertantly stabbed my finger the next day with kitchen knife and bled like the clappers. Somebody's law, I believe!
Hi I paid for one and it came back positive for antibodies. No percentage but at least know I have some.
Do we know which test we need and if it can be purchased? I thought I’d read something here that suggested it wasn’t accurate enough to be worth paying for. But I’d love to know if possible.
Sorry I can not help you with that one, I'm sure someone on here will probably know the answer. I probably wouldn't pay for one but quite happy to be part of a trial with the group I have been working with for a few months now.
My GP said the jury is out on how to interpret the results. I have been told it's not worth having the test as even if there are some antibodies there one week they may not translate into an immune response the next. I wish it were simpler. They simply have not yet got enough evidence. But it will come.
It's probably worth mentioning for those who haven’t been part of the Covidence UK study that the primary purpose of these tests is as part of a scientific study rather than to provide antibody test results to individuals. A number of us who have been part of the study have been filling in questionnaires since almost the start of the pandemic and providing data that way. Some of us did an earlier blood test too. So, for example, to take part in this one you had to provide some extra information such as what time of day you received the vaccine and whether you took any over the counter painkillers afterwards as they are looking into whether those things affect the body's response. So while yes they do provide individual results that is not the main purpose which is to provide scientific data for the current study.
Bcol I did an antibody self test for Biobank result negative.
I did one from Monitormyhealth. These are the results.
COVID Antibody Test Vaccine Immunity Test Value Interpretation
25/05/2021 Positive 8.5 U/mL These results indicate that you have developed an immune response to the vaccine.
They then went on to say it doesn’t indicate that I have immunity to Covid. They don’t know how to interpret the numerical value yet so in fact the test is virtually useless. So I am still being very cautious.
Until there is a lot more scientific data regarding the value? of the the antibodies and T cells etc I and this household are not planning on changing any of present Covid habits.
Not least because the discovery of a mutation is inevitably after the fact. There will, at some point, be a mutation that escapes the vaccine, to some extent at least, and then it won't be long before we get back to square one. Masks and distancing protect against all mutations equally when used properly,
Indeed that is so. It's like some flipping science fiction film. The next mutation will be called the UEFA strain from when they let them all in for the football!!
Was thinking that this morning - Cheltenham all over again ...
What was the song "Where Have all the Flowers Gone - When will they ever Learn" (Peter, Paul and Mary)
I've come to the conclusion it is because scientists in general do tend to be very understated. Which many non-scientists misunderstand as saying it isn't as bad as it actually is ... Rather than what we usually mean and which other scientists realise is that "the $h*% is already the other side of the fan ..."
I’ve just been reading that a 'Delta+' variant is currently causing significant concern amongst medics in India and there are 41 known cases in the UK already. Here we go again.
Yey I first heard it on the news a couple of days ago
Here in Italy they are already warning there is likely to be a fourth wave come the autumn and that the delta variant (not even the + one) is causing concern.
So it’s obviously a brilliant idea to speed the 4th wave up by inviting 2500 UEFA 'VIPs' over for the footie so they can pick it up and take it back home with them...you really do despair don’t you. 🤦🏻♀️
Incidentally Marina Hyde's latest (satirical) Guardian column about the UEFA variant and the visiting dignitaries is worth a read. It’s one of the few things that’s keeping me going when reading the newspapers these days (and John Crace too).
In a new twist of gov pass-the-buck the cause of Cornwall's latest huge increase in infections, (2,000% in G7 hotspots as reported by the ipaper ), was first attributed to us long-suffering residents - apparently our fault as we left the county to visit somewhere else and brought it back with us.🤬 They need to extend the red area of their comparison scale as we are about to topple off the end....🆘 I hope my antibodies are at the ready.
But all those furriners couldn't POSSIBLY have had owt to do with it ...
I saw that explanation! Seems a remarkable coincidence that it just so happened that thousands of people came to Cornwall from all over the place at the same time! 🤔
Wow! Can we just blame it on our last president and his lost election theories? I would like him to be in the running for blame somewhere. Just a thought as I continue to self-isolate even though I am vaccinated 😉
I know you have a bee in your bonnet about AZ as you keep posting about it in very negative terms and saying that you didn't have it but there's really no need to post about a scientific study you clearly know nothing about. Incidentally do you have PMR or GCA? Or are you just using this forum to post about your vaccination theories?
I paid £100 at the Nuffield to find via blood test if I had antibodies 4 weeks after first vaccination…. they wrote to confirm I didn’t have Covid!! After sending letters of complaint they told me they don’t do that test yet - when they do I can get it for free! That was 6 weeks ago. Maybe I should get my money back?
Did one at home as well ….only little finger had any blood …..it showed no antibodies….. is it worth all the stabbing ???