Morning wonderful forum folk. I need some wise words and advice please in preparation for my next GP appointment on Tuesday morning:
I am newly diagnosed and I started on 15mg of pred two and a half weeks ago. I take it in the morning with first cuppa with an omeprazole tablet as advised by GP and pharmacist. The effect was not immediate but after a few days my pain score (using a standard numerical pain score method) went from severe (8+) to moderate (5-6) in a few days. Since then my daily pain pattern has been more or less the same with moderate pain (5-6) in the mornings which reduces over the course of the day to mild (2-3) by the time mid evening comes. Have to say I am at my very best mid to late evening and am pain free at night which is lovely. I would dearly love to be pain free all day though and I think this is what I should be aiming for with my pred dose having read all the advice on here. Do the spring clean then work out the lowest level of maintenance needed to keep on even keel (mixing my metaphors there a bit 🤣). And only then start to reduce super slowly
So my question is please, if I am right about the first aim is to get pain free (indicating inflammation free) should I
a. Ask gp to increase pred to 20mg for a 3 week trial
b. Keep on 15mg pred but try the 2.00am dose.
c. Do both of the above or any other ideas you have based on your experiences.
Thank you all in advance and wishing you a lovely sunny Sunday where ever you are.