Hi all. I have been posting about muscle spasms that i have been experiencing these last three weeks. Not pleasant. However i got nowhere with my surgery regarding a physio so i booked a private one for today. I had very bad cramps in my legs last night so decided to drink a can of tonic water just before i went to bed. By 12 30 my head was pounding - sweats etc and my bpm count on my fit bit was 126. Needless to say i have been in bed all day and still feel rough. I had no idea that tonic could have these effects. I missed the physio appt. Go very giddy when i get up and still have bad back and cramps. Just wondered if anyone knows anything about tonic water other than in contains quinine. Thanks.
Beware : Hi all. I have been posting about muscle... - PMRGCAuk

My husband drinks tonic water a lot and does not experience any of this, in fact it helps him.

It actually doesn't contain much quinine these days - you'd have to drink gallons to get enough to have any effect on muscle cramps. However - if you continue to feel this unwell and the heart rate stays high, I think you need to call 111 at least and get some emergency advice - that would at least bypass your GP.
I really don't think this is likely to be caused by tonic water. An imbalance in potassium or calcium levels can cause same symptoms. Are you on supplements? Have you had your calcium/potassium levels checked?Many other things can cause similar symptoms all of which need eliminating so advice would be to seek further medical advice asap.
I just cant think of anything else that would have caused it but the only supplyments I'm on is a vit D tablet. I had a blood test two weeks ago but I'm never told what they are checking just that it was ok. Now the dr is sending me for another one on Wednesday so i will ask what are they for. Feeling a bit better today but not right. I should have been on my first visit to a flower show today but realise i cant go which is so dissapointing but thats the problem with pmr. You just never know do you. Thanks for your advice.
I think it's always good to know what your blood tests are actually testing for so don't be afraid to ask your doctor. If you know what he's testing for, and why, then it's another step forward to a better understanding of your condition. The more you know about your condition and the medication you're taking then the more you can make decisions and choices that are right for you.I'm so sorry you're having to miss the flower show. PMR can be unpredictable but just know there are good days too!
I drink lots of tonic water.( no gin 🤣) I dont appear to have any side affects. I suffer from cramps and spasm all over . At one time prescribed quinine tablet but the gp stop them because he said they were no longer recommended. I cant say I have heard of the side effects you have suffered. Hopefully more blood tests can find out what the problem is. Sorry you had to change your plans.
~I have had increased cramps since increasing heart meds + starting new blood thinner. Whether of not there is a link I'm not sure but would not be without tonic water which has never caused issues.Also use transdermal magnesium cream to legs prior to bed. Oh I also take natural coconut water to bed - contains potassium manganese +
I've got all bases covered should I need them as awfully painful when strikes ~
I don’t know what kind you had but some of the diet tonic waters have artificial sweeteners. I drink a glass of tonic water at night with the occasional addition of gin as it’s low carb and relaxes me. It helps my cramps but it may be the fluids. Also, I expect you have been advised about magnesium. My horrendous cramps disappeared when I started that.
Thanks. It was just Schweppes tonic water but i hadn't had anything else that would have made me feel so bad. Anything is worth a try as the cramps are pretty painful arnt they. Lovely advice from everyone on this forum. 👍
Do you take magnesium ?
No i don't but have been told to get the magnesium cream. I thinki will after this episode. I can't understand the dr not even checking or asking after i tell her about the cramps
Many people take it, Epsom salts are magnesium so a bath in those can be helpful and relaxing. I take a triple source tablet as there are different types that are absorbed differently by some. But you are right your dr can measure your levels. Hope you get some relief soon.
The blood level of magnesium is rarely low - the blood scavenges from the muscles to keep the blood level normal. That can leave the muscles depleted and causes the cramps.
I was diagnosed with hypo-magnesemia ; this was after magnesium -~100 mgm abolished my palpitations. Pred, acid reducers and antihistamines lower magnesium.
So now i realise what could be the problem. Thanks for that. Why the Dr can't explain this is beyond me. It would save a lot of their time and give me the info to get myself sorted out.
Another thing to keep in mind is many of us are prescribed calcium supplements, and if these don't include some magnesium then the balance between calcium and magnesium can get displaced. The body naturally prefers calcium and too much calcium makes it harder to absorb magnesium (and iron and pred, and perhaps a few other things). Take any calcium supplement at a different time from magnesium. Also, magnesium is abundant in a diet including leafy greens - magnesium is to plants what iron is to animals - so eating leafy greens is helpful too.
Despite the fact they sell combined calcium and magnesium supplements ...
I think it's supposed to maintain the balance.
But probably doesn't work ...
There is a toothpaste where you have two tubes, one for mornings, one for nights to get the balanced overall result
Worth a try isn't it. . Thanks
I was thinking they should sell the magnesium/calcium supplement as 2 different coloured tablets - pink for the morning and blue for the evening
That would be a really good idea! Although one of my calcium supplements does include magnesium in what they claim is the correct proportion I also take magnesium separately at another time. Had to start doing that when I moved as my new bathtub is too uncomfortable to allow for the extended wallow in Epsom salts I used to enjoy from time to time before I moved. I developed awful leg cramps after a few months but they seem to have stopped now.
I am highly allergic to tonic water & 1 sip gives me the symptoms you have had as well as uncontrollable shivering, nausea & vomiting for several hours. This has developed since I had malaria many years ago which is treated with quinine & I have always “blamed” that
Well. That's interesting and maybe i am allergic also. Its not something i usually drink. Didn't know what else to blame but I had very bad symptoms like you mention. thanks for the info ..
Seems like it’s not been advised for leg cramps for some time. I wasn’t aware of that. My father used to drink it for that purpose for many years. I use magnesium spray with success.
Magnesium supplement was the answer for me. Calcium ratio 2:l. After being put on calcium for osteoporosis +K2 and D3. I hope you find relief soon. I agree can be very uncomfortable.
Thank you all for your replies. Puts my mind at rest and helps the situation.