Hi all hope yr all well and staying safe. I'm about 2 wks on 12.5 and last few days have been getting hot flushes most of the day on and off just in face and as far as I can tell, does anyone else get these?. I'm also 22 months post menopausal but never suffered with hot flushes, so assuming it pred but not read anything about hot flushes maybe I've just missed it
Hot flushes: Hi all hope yr all well and staying... - PMRGCAuk
Hot flushes
I found the hot flushes one of the worst side effects of pred. They started pretty soon after I started pred and it was like being in a warm shower. It has got better since I reduced though.
I always get sweats/flushes as a first sign my dose is too low.
Yes I have experienced this too. Mrs Nails recommended scarves that contained crystals and you kept in the freezer. They did help me one summer ( from Amazon ).
Definitely suffer from jot flushes on higher doses....both night and day.
I suffer day and night from hot flushes it doesn’t seem to go away.

They can be due to pred but they can also be due to the autoimmune part of PMR/GCA. I start to get flushes again if I am at too low a dose of pred and threatening to flare.
Oh, I've been getting them too along with the trembling arms. Must be that my dose is too low. I did what you suggested and went back to 9. The trembling is worrying. Do you think it could be low blood sugar too? I am trying not to eat too much and going a long time between meals. I think it could be so I've started having snacks again! (My excuse to eat!)
Mmmm - but what SORT of snacks? If they are carbs then you increase the roller coaster of blood sugar peaks and troughs. That is why we bang on about low carb - it reduces a lot of problems because by taking out the carbs you can eat more protein and fat which are satisfying and keep you going.
You saw right through me! My snack today was toast and marmalade!! I really cant do the no carb thing. So I'm trying to still have a few but eat less generally.
Hi there, I thought I'd finished with menopausal hot flushes until I started 15mg Pred in June 20 !They came back with a vengeance particularly night sweats. I'm down to 5mg now but still get the odd flush in the day and I wake with night sweat once or twice a week.
All unpleasant but bearable compared to the disabling PMR symptoms pre diagnosis. Wish you luck on your journey.
So, here's a reply from a man!For the first eighteen months on pred, I had no sweats at all. Then I had to have a three year course of hormone therapy for prostate cancer, and that brought on sweats big time. Never sure whether it was the therapy on its own, or the combination with pred.
However, I completed the last injection for hormone therapy in August 2019, and hoped the sweats would stop then, but no such luck😩.
I'm only on one mg of pred a day now, and night sweats are as bad as ever - certainly interfere with my sleep.
Don't get so much sympathy from my wife - she says " now you know what it's like!!! Still, the cancer seems to be in remission, so I'll take that any day.
Hot flushes nothing to what you have been through so glad yr in remission, i hope for you and yr wife/ family it stays that way ,big hugs to you all

Thank you. 😊Paddy
Happens to me often - mine seem connected to things I eat and drink that are high histamine as there is an immediate trigger. Tea is a big culprit. Keep a food and symptoms diary and see if you spot any patterns.
I suffer really badly with what they refer to as drenching sweats, I ended up researching on line and finding something called a tie chilly, it’s a piece of material that has an opening for a special ice pack that you then wrap around your neck. It. Is the only thing that I have found to make any difference.