I have just been told I have diabetes, omg 😮 just add it to the list, I was given Metformin. I took the first one today & have had the most awful colic & diarrhoea is this side effects or it could be an ibs episode I’m not sure! Any advice?
Diabetes : I have just been told I have diabetes... - PMRGCAuk

I was told the same thing a few months ago, a combination of a low sugar, lower carb diet and reducing Prednisalone has normalised my blood glucose readings ( Hba 1c.) I could not get along with Metformin at all. Like you, quite severe gastric symptoms. I am not on any medication at all now and my doctor is relaxed about it. I would definitely try alternative Diabetes medication. This was Steroid Induced diabetes and I did a little better on the slow release version. I cannot quote my source but I have a dim memory of Metformin, slow release, being withdrawn for safety reasons, probably in the US and very recently.
Gastrointestinal symptoms are common. See section 5 here
Have you yet adjusted your diet to low carb?
I take metformin. I had awful diarrhoea so GP changed it to the slow release version. This is so much better. I’m trying to stick to low carb and exercise (walk) every day. I lost a stone and a half and reduced my blood sugar. I usually have my diabetic check around this time but don’t know what will happen during these strange times.

Diabetes? Or steroid-induced diabetes which has a different underlying cause. And how high is your Hba1c blood test - that is the better way to assess it.
My A1c was 8.3 in March. She put me on Geneva, still struggling , still recovering from major back surgery last year so can’t be as active. Started counting carbs, lost 20 lbs. Doing slow reduction, only at 12 1/2 from being up to 15 after surgery. I know that while on a Prednisone, it’s a much harder job to lower your sugar.
I've had Type 2 diabetes for 10 plus years - much longer than I have had Palindromic Rheumatism. Have never had meds for it, just controlled it with diet and exercise.
Sadly though, steroids raise blood glucose levels, so I'm sure my latest HbAiC will not be as good as my previous ones (which were at a normal level)
I had been offered meds but always rejected them and because of my well controlled blood sugar levels was allowed to regulate my diabetes myself.
I got diagnosed with type 2 about 6 months after going on pred. My husband is also type 2 and advised me about the effects of metformin and my doctor put me on gliclazide. I also went on a LCHF diet and 6 months after at my review I was taken off gliclazide and it is controlled by diet and exercise now.
My diabetes is steroid induced too . ☹️
Me too - ‘steroid- induced’ I was told........
GP asked if I’d like to join the NHS diabetes awareness programme so I agreed and downloaded the app. (It’s run by an organisation called Oviva (not to be confused with Aviva insurers..!)
You get an appointed dietitian who keeps in touch by messaging and an initial phone call. The app is ‘on your case’ all day and every day(!) BUT.... I have lost nearly 20lbs and with it, my sweet tooth - so it has been of benefit. Worth a try.
On that first call, I declined the 4-a-day Metformin and said I’d have 1-a-day (actually, a bit pointless - you’re supposed to have it throughout the day, hence 4) and change my diet & exercise regime. I’m sure the dietician just based her agreement to this on the latter..! Apart from the horrible taste, I haven’t had any problems with the Metformin but at 4/day, I’m sure some people might experience the problems you describe. Why not go on the course and try the diet/exercise approach? Nothing to lose - you probably need to apply via the GP(?)
I was One Pointiff Type2 Diabetes (on my Hb1Ac Levels) so l was well & truly knocking on the door!
So l overhauled my diet & my GP sent me on a Pre Diabetic Course which was stopped because of Covid but l lost 2stone in 5months......
My Hb1Ac has fallen but ideally l need it to drop a bit more & lose another half stone.......
Good going Mrs N ! I won’t have another blood test until this 8-week course is finished; consequently I’m a bit fixated on the weight loss as it’s the only thing I can measure at home - we’ll see how the blood glucose levels pan out in due course..... One effect so far - none of my jeans fit!

In steroid induced diabetes it isn't a case of the body requiring more insulin - it is due to the pred triggering the liver to release random spikes of glucose from the muscle stores of glycogen. The body responds normally though.