Sooooo.... Long story short after a telehealth visit- according to the rheumatologist I was too young in March 2020 to be diagnosed at 51 years old with PMR. Really! Was I expecting something different? I lived in the hope that maybe my case would have a different outcome to so many others diagnosed of a similar age. According to the rheumatologist you need to be older than 60 to be considering PMR as a diagnosis. I have pain on both sides of my body in neck, shoulders, upper arms, glutes, thighs and now my knees seem to be affected too.
He told me he thinks I have inflammatory arthritis.
I am having problems tapering and that is another reason for his diagnosis and because I have a lot of pain and the fact that I could get out of bed and I can't say that stiffness is bothering me ( due to pain levels mind you). I couldn't get up stairs at 8mg prednisolone and am struggling getting up stairs on 9mg.
So tomorrow I start methotrexate with some trepidation. By rheumy's comments he is looking at RA but I have no physical signs in my hands or feet or other joints. I have really good movement in my hands which impressed him. I struggle to get my arms above my head and he could see the agony I was in getting them up in the air. I have osteoarthritis in one knee.
What is really annoying though is that because I have a couple of cows and 3 horses I am to have blood tests for Q fever, brucellosis, and also rheumatoid factor all of which I have been tested for 3 times in the last 14 months. I do not have fevers but am having sweats which last about 5 minutes at time throughout the day and night. While you are at it he says let's do a chest x-ray and a mammogram.
So I continue with the frustrating merry-go-round of tests and see what happens next. Sorry about the rant. I wish you all the very best in your journey with PMR and who knows I may be back here when I turn 60...hahaha.