Morning all, bright sunny morning here so far, anyway, looking at the posts it would seem that if I am up, which seems to be the case nowadays, then I am better off taking my Pred at 02:00 ish rather than 04:00 ish. The question is do I take the Omeprazole at the same time or a bit earlier?
Observation and Question re Pred. : Morning all... - PMRGCAuk
Observation and Question re Pred.

Usual recommendation is half a hour before breakfast....found explanation as below -
“Based upon the research literature, the most optimal time to take the proton pump inhibitor line of medications is a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the first meal of the day. If taken by b.i.d. schedule than the schedule would normally be 30 minutes prior to the first meal of the day and then 30 minutes prior to the dinner meal of the day. The reason for the timing is that it takes approximately 30 minutes to achieve steady state drug levels in the bloodstream. This then enables the maximum number of proton pumps to be turned off. The reason why the morning dosing is the most important is because it is the first meal of the day that stimulates the largest number of proton pumps to be turned on.”
Ah, this is interesting. I have read on the leaflet that comes with the mediation, that I can take it before or with my meal, no mention of a 30-minute wait? Anyway, I am about to start tapering Opmeprazole in the hope that I can stop taking it, so it may be a bit late to worry about it now.

Doesn't really matter when you take it except it needs to be 1/2 hour before food - and then the effects lasts about 12 hours. If you want the effect to be overnight, take it before your evening meal.