So I finally got my GP to refer me to a Rheumatologist. He also gave me another refill of Pred. 10 mg. Monday I will hear from the girls in the office for info. as to which Rheumy I want to go to so it may be awhile before I get to see him. In the mean time the 10 mg I am taking just takes the worst edge off my pain. By mid afternoon I am heading back into deeper pain again. I tried taking it early in the AM before getting up and while it did help with early in the day pain, I was much worse by afternoon. I am thinking I probably have enough Pred. to take 1 1/2 pills for 15 mg each morning while I wait for the Rheumy to see me. My GP said I could also take a Celebrex mid afternoon to help with afternoon pain and better sleep comfort. I still have almost a full bottle from what they prescribed me when they were trying to figure out what my pain was coming from. I did take one yesterday and it did take the edge off.
Should I increase Pred. to 15 mg on my own? - PMRGCAuk
Should I increase Pred. to 15 mg on my own?

I think you would feel better. Surely your doctor will allow that while you wait for the Rheumatologist? Ordinary painkillers do very little.
Just do what you feel is best. .....Your body - your life .... right !
Not a doctor, but looking back....if it was me knowing what I know now...I’d up it to 15 or 20, which is usually the starting point for PMR. I started at 15 and after 2 weeks still felt some pain..called my rheumi and she upped it to 20..where I stayed for about 3 -4 weeks (I can’t remember now.) I then Started down gradually. Lasted 2 years, now off completely for 2 years. Good luck🍀
It is not advisable to reduce pred too fastas the body doesn't like the 'shock' of a big reduction!
Try to reduce slowly by just 1mg per week and only reduce IF the reduction worked for you. There is NO rush to reducr and you do not want to end up having to go back up to 25mg again.
If you are coping with the reduction after a week try reducing again. If you are struggling go back up by .5 mg.

You must bear in mind it may be a while until you can get an appointment with a rheumy but also that they may want to see you with symptoms so it is a balancing act. Even in the US people may wait months. I think you need to discuss it with your GP and be honest about how much Celebrex helps or not - and whether you are happy taking it because it is not an innocent M&M either!
I have a feeling I won't be symptom free even at 15 mg. Just more able to function. I believe I may have bursitis in my left hip so Celebrex helps with that. Doesn't seem to do much for my shoulders and hips. 😓
You don't know - my PMR was pretty bad and untreated for 5 years. 15mg made 80% overall difference in under 6 hours and within 4 months almost all pain, even the hip bursitis, was gone. You find out when you get the change.
I’m tempted to go with LJ’s comments- that mirrors my experience, altho’ it’s taken me over 4yrs, not 2.
However - PMRPro points out that the rheumy is much better placed if you’re showing full symptoms...... I got a private consultation right away and an instant diagnosis (being barely able to rise from chair or raise my arms probably helped!) All things considered, I’d say you’re better off getting the soonest rheumy consultation you can and hopefully, the medication to suit.
Best of luck!
Thank You! I considered that too but my GP was sure that this is PMR since I have every single symptom, right down to ancestry and age. Bilateral pain, really bad, etc. I went a week totally off meds and before blood work and almost hade to have husband get me out of bed each morning. No joint pain, all muscular with edema in upper arms when pain reaches mid range and then moves into neck also. I can't totally put my life on hold when pain is bad so did decide to add the 5 mg. I do feel a tad better this afternoon than yesterday.
Unfortunately you may have to put some aspects of your life on hold for a while until inflammation reduces and even then don't overdo things. There is no quick fix but you will get there eventually. Rest when your body tells you to. I'm glad you are are feeling better with increased dose.
You might find 15mg/day gives pain relief - I had to go up to 20mg to get life worth living again....! When you do feel OK, don’t be in any rush to get to zero - otherwise you risk a flare. A tapering dose as per Dorset Lady’s ‘Dead Slow Nearly Stop’ method is what I’ve followed.