Just found this article re SARS in 2003 which may be relevant to corona virus. It seems to say that although people on very very high doses of steroids have a longer illness, people on fairly low doses of steroids are not at any more risk than people not on steroids at all. Really hope that is true!
Coronavirus type of infection and Steroids - PMRGCAuk
Coronavirus type of infection and Steroids

Without the full article it's hard to say... Do you have a link? From the bit I can see it refers to treatment of the sars symptoms on otherwise healthy people. And the higher the dose the higher risk of mortality in terms of treating sars. This is very similar to the material discussed over the past few days where China found high dose steroids worsened condition. As I say without seeing the whole article for context, there is no discussion of underlying autoimmune conditions on pred. It would be good to see the whole article.
Pred only dampens the immune system... It does not remove it. I am on a dmard too which suppresses immune system. But I don't really worry about it as I can only do what I can do. Wash hands, wash wash. No hugging kissing etc etc etc. Stay home as much as possible in terms of crowds. If you find comfort reading th ese things then keep doing it.
Given we have wonky immune systems that are already attacking us, and we have been on pred long term, we cant just stop it. Some of us will get the virus, some of may get seriously ill I'm afraid. I know everyone is looking for reassurance, but I assure you the deeper you look the less reassuring it can be as the technical language becomes harder to understand and apply to daily life. I am finding it more important and useful to focus on what I CAN control. Deaths and very critical cases are a couple of percent of the overall number who will get the virus... If you can find a version that is shareable that would be great to see the whole review/analysis., 👍 🌻

Think it might be this article ?
Thanks... Even if it isn't it covers the same issues. In the end it doesn't really help us understand how pre existing long term use of low Dose pred impacts. The underlying health conditions and age seem to be the most useful predictors re severity according to recent stats. Those are impossible to change in the individual aren't they. We are as old as we are, we have an autoimmune condition. I have diabetes, high BP, high cholesterol, hypothyroidism, chronic pain, fibro and pmr but am "only" 58. If I get it I get it, if it kills me it does. I can only apologise to my sisters who will be left with the job of clearing out my house.... Sorry girls!! 😱🤗

Paraphrasing from the serenity prayer .... grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.
Like you I think we just have to carry on the best we can but one thing I know is that stressing will bring on a flare and that’s the last thing we need. We need to keep in as best a condition as we can.
Yes. Stress is the real enemy on the immune system generally, for us it just means more pain!!

Sorry Poops. It was atsjournals.org but I’ve just looked again and there are quite a few articles —- can’t for the moment find the above one.
As for stress—— I am totally stressed and cant stop myself! Our son aged 52 has type 1 diabetes and had a heart bypass last year, my OH has Parkinsons and has had pneumonia twice in the last seven years and then there’s me!!! 🙃🙃🙃🙃 xxxx
That's quite lot to concern you isn't it! I think runrabbitrun managed to find it or similar. If your son works he should ask for a strategy in place and go sick if it gets near or in his place of work. I would in his position. Just keep washing hands and keeping safe! And try not to worry too much., 🌻

Thanks again Poops. Son is self employed but sometimes has to travel up and down the country by train. Oh well, as you say we just have to do the best we can! Xxx
As long as you all follow the preventative measures and keep away from crowds you are doing all you can to reduce your risks.
If you can try to distract yourself from thinking about the Covid situation and relax as much as you can this will help a great deal.
Anxiety can really affect your current Health issues and affect your overall ability to cope with illness or infections . In some ways it can have its own affect on our immunity and recovery time because of the way it reduces our General Health , so trying to find ways to reduce anxiety will be good for you right now.
Take care and relax as much as you can xx
Of course you are right Bee—- but it is easier said than done!
As you know, I am a keen Bridge Club player and love to play. I go three times a week but they are not good places to be in the current circumstances! xxx
It's a shame you can't play by Skype really .
Do you have any other hobbies you like to do that are easy to carry out at home ?
Or maybe a good few games of cards with the family as they might be getting a bit stir crazy too if they aren't going to clubs and things as well.
I'd try and keep away from the news as well as it only adds to the worry really .
The one silver lining I keep reminding myself of is that in terms of most Diseases at the moment we are probably safer than we have been in years as places are getting cleaned better and people are being far more considerate about personal contact and hygienic , I'd love it if it continued then maybe we could avoid all the endless coughs , colds and flu every year too.
Wouldn't that be nice!
Actually Bee, I think there are still a lot of dirty and non hygienic folk out there—- mostly the men. One of my male Bridge partners coughed into his hand last week and then picked the cards up. I told him off and said “ cough into your elbow”. The cards go round the room to be played by everyone else. I made him go and wash his hands but he thought I was mad!!
I'm with you on this Smokygirl . I've witnessed some similarly disgusting behaviour by a man at work today.
Yuk... Made me think of the nose picking bogey eater I saw last week!!!
I was speaking to someone this evening who’d flown from Gatwick on Monday. She and her partner both nipped to the loo at the airport. Both came out the respective toilets looking horrified saying simultaneously 'those women/men didn’t wash their hands'... 🥴 With all the publicity and signs about hand washing it seems that some people are still not doing the basics......
Lazy idle..... Beep beep beeepity beeps.
Me too 🤞
Me too.
I'm going with your explanation and not looking further... I BELIEVE!. Placebo will help me!