Does anyone have any experience of Platelet Replacement Therapy? I have had chronic tendinopathy since Dec 18. I have had acupuncture, ultrasound and done some physio. I have 6 cm thickening, vasculitis and bursitis. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 not better, 10 better) I have plateaued at about 7 for over six months. At the start I was crawling on hands and knees. I still go down stairs very strangely and cant walk flat footed. The wonderful physio suggested I had PRT and saw the doc yesterday and he gave me yet another shoe rise to use.... i am a theartre director and choreographer and desperate to work properly. It is so stiff and painful and some days (when i am not working) I think it will get better - on days like today I cant stand and would abandon the risks and go for it.
Risk of infection when on Pred is higher and rupturing the achilles tendon???
At least the doc yesterday acknowledge that there maybe a link between steroids and tendon issues...
Desperate to feel like myself again!