I had an appointment with Rhuem Consultant just over a week ago and he believes that I do not have GCA. The 2 main reasons are a negative biopsy and that I had not significantly improved after 2 weeks on 60mg Prednisolone. I reduced to 40mg for 2 days, and by then felt much better - less fatigue, less headache, less jaw and tongue claudation. Reduced to 30 for 2 days, 25 for 2 days, 20 for 1 day, then all symptoms worsened. I spoke to the Registrar and she agreed I could go back on 40mg each day until my review in 2 weeks. Some good days when I felt 70%, but still fatigued and some night sweats.
Consultant believes the headaches are migraine, tongue claudation - missing teeth, jaw claudation - TMJ ( referral), fainting, dizziness and feeling very unwell - viral infection, poor sleep and fatigue - steroid toxicity.
USS report - possible GCA in right frontal artery STA halo sign. Left facial artery maybe atherosclerosis. Still awaiting MRA brain scan report. Follow up should be 3/4 weeks, now on 20mg Pred and to stay on 20mg till next app. I have coated Pred and for PMR take before bedtime, but Consultant said to take mornings. I think this is why I don't start to function until around 11am. But then I get better as the day goes on , until around 10pm..
Meanwhile a visit to GP to discuss new meds, but she was concerned about Rheumatologist's letter re - right arm higher BP than left, so now awaiting referral to Cardiology.
Sorry this is so long, had to kill 2 swans to get enough quills!