For the last few months I have been reducing by 0.5 mg on the 1st of every month. My new gp prescribed 2.5 coated pred which I understand is absorbed more slowly than the uncoated. I am finding it easier for the 1st time in 6 years to reduce (fingers crossed). Could it be that in taking coated pred, it is equivalent to splitting the daily dose. If so, it may be beneficial to split the dose when taking the uncoated tablets every other month.
Is it beneficial to split daily dose if pred - PMRGCAuk
Is it beneficial to split daily dose if pred

How interesting!

Possibly in the sense that there is pred present in the blood over a longer period albeit at a lower level. Is this just part of the total dose at present?
Sorry pmrpro. Don’t know what you’re asking. Im on 8.5mg at mo. Feeling ok on that dose. On 1st March will drop to 8 but I’m thinking of taking 5 mg am and then 3mg pm.
You absorb enteric coated pred over a period of up to 5 or 6 hours - it rises slowly and falls slowly. Plain pred rises quickly and then falls off more slowly. The total time there is some pred present is much longer with enteric coated - so there is a shorter time there is no pred having an antiinflammatory effect so it appears more effective. Does that make sense? I know what I mean but not sure how to explain it.