My second depo-medrone injection was Wednesday. Thursday morning I woke with a very itchy back, so bad I went straight to my GP. GP looked and said I had eczema. I have never had any skin conditions in all my long life. One more unbearable burden to deal with in an unbearable situation. Quite depressed. If you have heard or experienced eczema or other skin disease with PMR please let us know. Thank you.
Has anyone out there developed eczema out of the ... - PMRGCAuk
Has anyone out there developed eczema out of the blue while dealing with PMR?

I had the reverse. I had Psoriasis in my ears that became infected periodically and it completely cleared up with Pred. I have it on my feet and I can keep in controlled with lots of base cream morning and night.
It maybe an expression of a suppressed immunity.
When I studied Homoeopathy in the 80s it was said that things expressed on the skin were a healthy sign and it was the body’s way of protecting your vital organs. That has always made me feel ok about rashes etc.
I do sympathise though, it is a nuisance. Let’s hope it goes as mysteriously as it came. Is there any suggestion of an allergic reaction to the depo-medrone injection? It maybe that some other form of treatment suits your system better. Try not to feel depressed about it. These things are sent to try us and usually have workable solutions.

Dermatolgic effects are a listed adverse effect of depotmedrone injections:
Scroll down to Side effects under the heading Professional Information
Hi I got itchy last September and tried to blame everything from new body lotion to fabric conditioner - eventually was my whole body so GP said must be something inside me e.g. food allergy. I have concluded it is a PMR thing. Had Betnovate cream from gp and antihistamine at night. Now under control with Avenocream and over the counter antihistamine at night. Good Luck
I had psoriasis for about a year before I got PMR. It came after a particularly stressful time in my life and stopped whilst I was on up to 4 mg Pred. then it came back but not too badly. I've still got it a bit but have been off Pred. since Nov. 30th 2019. I believe both Psoriasis and PMR are autoimmune diseases so maybe that's the connection. I still use Dovobet cream sometimes and moisturise with Centreben lotion regularly and never use soap but Dermol lotion for washing. That all helps to keep it at bay most of the time.
Psoriasis and PMR symptoms can also equal psoriatic arthritis. A lot of us have had rheumies try to make our PMR into a PsA diagnosis.
I did at about 3mgs of pred, about 2.5 years into treatment. I’m still dealing with it a year later. At this point it is under control but not at all asymptomatic. Itchy! Multiple tentative diagnoses! Nothing specific so far that really fits my symptoms. Delayed pressure urticaria comes closest, but not really. Nothing recommended stopped the itching until I found Benadryl cream. If I act fast and applied Benadryl before the itchy spots got big, Benadryl stops the hive, if it is a hive, from developing. Each eruption can last a few weeks.
I now use CERave facial cleanser as my shampoo and body wash. I bought a lotion applicator for my back, places I couldn’t reach. (Kingsley lotion applicator via Amazon). I’m still looking for a daily moisturizer that doesn’t leave a tacky feel.
CERave daily moisturizer comes close, but not great.
I was put on Zyrtec three a day, but at two Zyrtec I was dysfunctionally sedated. I’m now takin two Claritin (loratadine) in the morning and one Pepcid ac (famotidine) One Zyrtec at dinner with another Pepcid ac. These are all antihistamines.
I also have to be very careful about clothing. Nothing itchy. No bra because the straps cause eruptions. Tops inside out next to my skin with another layer over to look a bit presentable. Pants inside out because seams also irritate.
Like PMR the meds control symptoms but do not fix whatever is causing the condition. I am told it usually goes away on its own in six months to a year. I’m already beyond a year if I include initial scalp and neck symptoms.
Funny thing scalp and back of neck are fine now. Newer sensitive areas still a problem. I tried to lower my meds but after cutting back to one Claritin for ten days I am sack to carrying Benadryl to use ASAP pen.
Have you tried a homemade mix of best virgin organic coconut oil mixed with Organic apple cider vinegar? Both must be the highest quality. Mixed in a small bowl 1 tablespoon coconut oil and half tablespoon ACV mixed. Apply tiny bit to one area as a test. If no bad reaction , try a little on a section of the rash. I find i have early restrained eczema and this mix had calmed the red raised bumps and stopped the itching on my skin. But always use best virgin organic oil and ‘with the mother ACV’ and do the tests.
Thank you. Will try. Have great ACV I use to make drinking shrubs. Now will look for cocoanut oil.