i was diagnosed in January 2023 with PMR (4th family member to get it - am 58 yrs old). I was on Pred but the side effects were too great for me and managing with acupuncture (just). With one flare up earlier this year I had a rash up both arms and on back - it is uneven and itchy but predominantly at both wrists - it went after 6 or more weeks. . i am an eczema sufferer anyway but only in one place. I have recently had another minor flare up and the rash is back and showing no side (2 months) of going. Is this PMR related or completely different condition? No doctor so far has any answers or solutions. Thank you.
Does anyone skin condition with PMR?: i was... - PMRGCAuk
Does anyone skin condition with PMR?

As you are a long time eczema sufferer then you know it caused by your immune system overreacting to small irritants or allergens (triggers) in your environment.
PMR is also an immune related disease so in that yes there is a slight connection - but not sure it's necessarily related in the way you suggest.
Can I ask what the Pred effects were that made you stop taking them? ... As steroid cream is very often used for eczema would have thought being on them would help that as well...
Thank you. The pred did indeed clear up my eczema but i gained weight very quickly and developed a moon face with papery skin. I also found it negatively altered my sense of wellbeing.
Weight gain can be mitigated by cutting carbs -some people need to be more conscientious with that than others.
Moon face and papery skin does improve as you reduce Pred, as does your general mood.
Of course it’s your body and your choice what you put in it, but as I’m sure you are aware (as you have other members of the family with PMR) untreated inflammation can lead to other issues with your organs - and if course may to GCA -when much higher doses of Pred need to be taken.
Good luck with both illnesses however you decide to proceed.

Think DL has covered everything I'd say. Except I will add that I think everyone has their own personalised autoimmune disorder - in my case PMRpro syndrome, in yours Donotgogentle syndrome.
I developed psoriasis on my legs proven by a biopsy I insisted on. I use prescribed ointments to control it.
This is anecdotal: an elderly man I knew said his psoriasis, on his back, improved with 5,000iu Vit D for the first time in his life.
This isn't anecdotal!
Although of course there are other studies that disagree,