Never had this problem it its concerning me
Has anyone experienced alot of gas pains with pmr... - PMRGCAuk
Has anyone experienced alot of gas pains with pmr and the prednisone.Maybe overindulgance at xmas

Are you taking ADcal, this happened to me because of it....
I have a lot of wind since starting pred and calcium. Not sure which one is responsible if they are at all or if its just part of other stuff going on with me. You should mention it to your gp if you are concerned. I am sure others will be along with more advice. YBB

What other medication are you on? Some people have problems with AdCal and the like or also with the PPIs - and in the case of PPIs it may start soon after starting taking them but sometimes it can happen much later.
What are PIPS
If anything pred helped my digestion. I don't take calcium carbonate, however. I've heard a lot of people have trouble with that form of calcium. Also I gave up pretty much all "white" carbs when I found my blood sugar going up with pred and nowadays find I can't eat much wheat at all. A small amount is fine, like a cookie or a scone. Even a sandwich or pizza will have me burping all evening!
Are you referring to stomach gases - upper gastrointestinal tract bloating/burping? Or to painful bloating of the large bowel/colon, which can only be relieved by farting (sorry - is there a polite term for this?)
I have taken Pred, calcium and a PPI for my PMR for 10 months without problems, now on 7mg Pred. However steroid-induced Type-2 diabetes was diagnosed in late November and I now take Metformin on top of all my other meds and have developed awful lower bowel wind and bloating, urgent and "frothy" stools, etc. My GP warned me that this can be a side-effect of Metformin.
So far, only the occasional paracetamol or small codeine helps and I don't really want to take yet another med, but will consult my GP if it does not resolve as my body gets "used to" the Metformin.
Flatulence or "passing wind" ...
PS - did you try cutting carbs to get the Hba1c down or was it straight to metformin? There are other options too.
I was first diagnosed with high HbA1c more than 4 years ago, and had managed to remain stable at just pre-diabetic levels on diet alone by reducing most white carbs and sugars, although I continued with whole grains and some potatoes (in moderation). The Pred seems to have tipped the blood-sugar balance. I am now eating even less carbs, much more nuts, dairy, good fats, veggies etc. and taking Metformin. I really don't know which change has caused the flatulence. I do find that exercise (even just gardening) helps, but the weather for the past 6 weeks has been so wet and miserable, I have definitely been more of a "couch-potato".