Does anyone else get this? I don’t know if connected to PMR or not. In desperation, I went to A and E early Sept. Started off early hours in the morning with awful pain between shoulder blades ( thought Reflux) went on to terrible pain like severe cramp in my ribs, I couldn’t move, lie down, hurt to breathe. Dr in A and E ( eventually ) took bloods which he said was normal. Gave me Diazepam , co dyramol , Naproxen ( I was on Pred 8 mg) Didn’t say what it could be but it settled after a few hours. Then on Thursday night again, same thing, but not quite as bad. Now on 5 mg Pred. Went to GP Friday sent for CXR and bloods Saturday no results yet. However, when I told him about previous A and E attendance , looked up my blood result, told me in fact CRP was ‘ over 100’ ! So annoying as my bloods have always been normal. I had Phone app with Rheum only 10 days ago when he said I prob had Inflammatory Arthritis and come off Pred 1 mg every two weeks and commented my bloods ‘ were always normal ‘ 😡so communication between hospital and GP either bad or somebody doesn’t look at result. Anyway this chest pain is so bad I dread going to bed .. anyone know is this a feature of PMR or something else ? Dr says not cardiac or “ indigestion “
Severe intercostal muscle ( I think )pain - PMRGCAuk
Severe intercostal muscle ( I think )pain

Gallbladder???? Pancreatitis???? They could cause that sort of pain and a raised CRP.
CRP over 100 isn't raised eh? Hmmm - who needs to do some revision!
That was what I was wondering , they don't always bump up the inflammatory markers if it is a rapid , acute bout.
I had pain in that area and the right upper quadrant of the back and ribs off and on with my gall bladder issues , often with discomfort moving and a feeling of sore ribs and muscle strain in between.
I have Chronic Recurrent Pancreatitis now , as part of my Digestive symptoms that are not linked to GCA/ PMR.
The Pancreatitis Pain can hit between the shoulder blades and centre front at the apex of the base of the ribs. It causes breathlessness and can be agony ( literally flooring you to the bed without painkillers) but feels less painful if you sit up and forwards.
The Pancreatitis can also include increased temperature and diarrhea , or at least a change in bowel movements , so considering if these changes are also happening could rule it out.
I spent a long time being told it wasn't gastric but muscular before my gall bladder was removed , so it may be worth requesting to be referred to a Gastric Specialist for a CT in the area to rule out these options , especially if other stomach problems pop up in between.
Costochondritis , is also another muscular inflammation of the chest and rib cartilage that many people on the forum have experienced , and again , it does not always register in blood tests. It can feel like intense pain when at its worst , some even describe it like a heart attack . It can cause breathlessness and difficulty in moving. It can also take months to settle entirely without the right Self Care.
Deep relaxing , slow , breathing exercises to help improve the rib movement and muscle strength help , especially when in Pain as do painkillers .
Light stretching exercises are also useful , you can look up exercises for Costochondritis on the internet.
Over exercising or over stretching , weights or carrying heavy things in the advice of what to avoid.
Increasing the fluids you drink but not having anything too hot or cold is also advised.
As is sleeping with your head and neck and shoulders elevated to reduce pressure on your ribs.
It is important that you get the right diagnosis and advice from the GP though because only then can you do the right things to help prevent this happening over and over again.
Take care and keep us updated x
I get something called costochondritis which is an inflammation of the rib cage cartilage. Usually affects where the upper ribs attach to breastbone. The chest pain can be mild or severe. I’ve noticed this time that I also get pain in my upper back. My GP said it wasn’t linked to Pmr. I just take paracetamol and read poetry to relax ! 🌸
I get that too but I also have Fibromylagia and it does go with that.
Goes with that too. The problem with fibro is its like autoimmune systems that travel in groups. Any pain that lasts long enough it can get sucked in to the hypersensitivity in my experience.
The between the shoulder blades pain can be eased by the tennis ball, on the spine rolling up and down. I have had back surgery, thoracic & neck pain and xray that show "wear and tear". It had taken 20 years to refer me for a full spinal mri. I was getting the stage of paying but need to have info on setting. Any NHS now. The point is keep fighting your corner. 👍
Yes I also had costochondritis, severe pain in chest, was pretty sure it wasnt heart but got taken to A & E in an ambulance anyway! I hadnt connected it with PMR so it is interesting to hear of others suffering the same thing.
That sounds really frightening. You need to talk to your Rheumatologist again in light of this. It is quite specific. Just telling you to come off Pred sounds dismissive. Surely the inflammatory arthritis will need to be treated. It sounds like a bad muscular spasm. It’s depressing how incurious doctors seem these days.
That's exactly how my PMR started with pain between shoulder blades and spreading round to my upper chest. It would wake me in the middle of the night and I was losing weight with a mild fever most days. It does seem that you may have come off your pred too quickly. I'd agree with Sheffield Jane that your rheumatologist seems dismissive. If the diagnosis is not PMR and she wants to treat it as inflammatory arthritis, the prednisolone can still be an effective treatment and there is no law that says you have to stop it before starting a new drug like methotrexate or similar.
Thanks everyone! It feels as though so often we have to do our own research on medical issues! And chase everything up. Having waited 7 months for Rheum app it’s all been disappointing. When Husband went to make GP app was offered same GP who 4 years ago when I went initially with severe upper arm pain he sent me for x ray of my arm with ? Fracture ..luckily he requested a different GP 😩
My immediate thought (like PMRpro). Gallbladder!!! Your description of the pain is so similar to mine... One episode, I was in the kitchen, pain came on suddenly, so severe I passed out, whacked head on door and sat in A&E for 7 hours!!!! I had a Cholesectomy ? (spelling) (Gallbladder removal) 10 years ago.. . Enough stones to make a necklace 🤣😂. Ultra sound would be definitive.... Hope you get this sorted soon BB... Take care 🌻
Hi, are you taking Alendronic Acid or Risperidone? I had the same symptoms whilst on them and I stopped immediately. Been fine since. Fingers crossed!
Intercostal pain ( cont) so yesterday was ok ish, just Indigestion type pain. But early hours of am wow! Pain big time between shoulder blades around ribs and to the front. I couldn’t stand, lie, sit. On my own. Called GP got app for this afternoon. While Receptionist was in phone asked for blood results from Saturday . Said dr marked “ all normal ‘ so I specifically asked for CRP, she said “ 6”. But looked this up, while not over 100 as in September, it’s still abnormal. I did what you do, looked on Google ... stated high risk of Cardiac disease apart from pointer to other things.. Just don’t know what to do.. now full of Co Codamol just for something to take but not really helping. I’ve had to have poor dog in kennels as I can’t walk him 😔
Well you are doing the right thing seeing the dr. You need to ensure the pain is what you think. I tend not to worry too much about things if they are part of the new normal, but pain in the chest area always needs checking.
The dog will be ok and will get out. But might it be cheaper to get a dog walker once you feel able to cope in the house with him. 🌻🌈
CRP in PMR swamps the cardiac risk element so stop panicking about that. Not saying you haven't got a cardiac problem, but the CRP isn't meaningful.
But please - a repeat of night time pain like that and call 999. That's what they are for and until it is ruled out, you have to think it COULD be something more serious.
I experience what I can only describe as 'cramping' in my ribs -exactly the same as cramps in any other muscle and triggered by stretching or bending. I can sometimes track the origin to my upper back. I literally cannot do anything until it passes .. I have had this for several years, before I was diagnosed with GCA/?PMR. It could be linked? I did ask a Rheumi about it years ago when I saw him about arthritis, but he didn't know what it could be .. Hope you get some answers. I am seeing my current consultant soon, so perhaps he will have an idea .. 😞
Myofascial pain syndrome - one of the places it creates the trigger points is on either side of the spine at about waist level. They irritate the muscle group and can also cause referred pain into the ribs by irritating whichever nerve runs past (I probably knew once ...). Other sites of trigger points are in the shoulder muscles. Your back muscles have accommodated themselves to your usual posture - stretching or bending changes that a lot and the muscle go into spasm to protect themselves being hurt in any way.
Thank you, PMRpro. I think you know everything ..
Physio might help?
It does me - but here they also offer therapeutic massage and manual mobilisation. You can't do exercises to strengthen the muscle to reduce relapse until the muscles are soft and not in spasm.
I went to GP again yesterday . They must be sick of me.. saw same one ( a trainee) he had no suggestions and no treatment. He had already given me naproxen ( 10 days) and Co codamol . I had been given them at A and E in September as well as 3 days of Diazepam and that regime was successful till now. He refused me the Diazepam which upset me , I’m unlikely to become dependant in 3 days and when your in such pain you’d take anything ! He said he didn’t know what the problem was and said he would discuss with colleagues and phone me later . He didn’t of course. I’m at my wits end honestly . My life is now day time tv interspersed with walking around trying to walk off pain
See my response above to Cinka. Silly person - the diazepma was exactly what you needed as it will go for the CAUSE of the pain, not just put a sticking plaster on it. Trainee they may be - but they should know that.
I had diazepam as an infusion - worked a treat but unfortunately I had an adverse reaction to it and developed rather interesting atrial fibrillation (known but rare). So I was handed over to the pain management clinic who used the slow way: manual mobilisation and needling with muscle relaxants. Physiotherapy also provided therapeutic massage and manual techniques. The system and attitude/approaches to back pain in the UK are rather different but there I used a combination of Bowen therapy and a very good osteopath. If you can afford it you may be able to find a private physio clinic that offers myofascial release. But sitting bolt upright in a supportive chair with a hot water bottle on the spasmed muscle may do the trick - it takes about 4 or 5 days but works for me when desperate.
Almost 12 months later, just to let you know who were kind enough to to reply, I had an Endoscopy, diagnosed with Oesinophilic Oesophagitis, referred pain to thoracic ribs. After swallowing Flixotide inhaler for 6 months I’m very much better though it can reoccur.
So sorry to read the trouble you are having. It’s so upsetting when the Doctor can’t define your symptoms.
Did they check your bloods or do an ECG for you ?
They should have checked your heart .
Yulik 😷