So .... I had to prepare.... no food six hours clear fluids two hours before (on one of the hottest days on record!).......appointment time 1.30 pm. With small suitcase on wheels in hand trundled through the building site and successfully (eventually) found the correct part of the building 'The Pain Management Day Clinic'.
I was going for a medial block procedure. This was arranged by my Rheumie, since I have been stuck at 7mgs Pred for a year. Whenever I taper the pain at the base of my neck and across my shoulder blades forces me back to my previous dose, so my Rheumie wanted a solution to remove this barrier.
The consultant performing the procedure was surprised it had taken me a year to get there following my appointment with him, but hey, these UTIS messed with the prep procedures for my original appointment in Nov 18, then the shoulder replacement following a fall at Christmas....Well these little niggles can mess with ones plans can't they?
So, what with having to lie on your stomach and basically 'not breathe' for 20 minutes for fear that any movement may mean he hits vetebrae in the spine, 'twas all a bit tense.
Being well prepared out came the V pillow from the suitcase - if anything could make me comfortable that can! Then undressing - not an easy task with just 20% movement in one arm / shoulder. I was at last on the bed having had help with the light weight dressing gown (adorned for purposes of dignity even though it was stinking hot!) I was evenutally wheeled into my fate at 4pm - no fluid for four hours!
To my dismay, once in the procedure room, I had to change beds again! 'How long have you got?' I exclaimed. So they helped remove my dressing gown and flip flops. I was so awkward becoming tangled in the hosital gown I asked them to remove that too! I put my v pillow on the bed and very carefully, since I also have positional vertigo as well as PMR and a Wookey arm, started the arduous task of changing beds! Well suffice it to say it all took a while.
Since it was near spine the injections were scan led. There were six in all. I remember crying out ' S**T on two occasions when the injections hit their mark. Painful or what!
My ordeal was finally over! So I thought. But no they then asked me to swop beds again! Oh the indignity!
So has it helped with the pain - No, but it can take up to five weeks to make a difference (or can make no difference at all). So two days on ........ I apparently have six visible puncture marks and bruising across my back but....... the bloating body at tops of legs, arms, and neck I went in with seems markedly reduced! So it does make me wonder whether these 'steroid' injections has circumvented a possible PMR flare ?
If so.......... maybe it was worth it! Watch this space.......